View Full Version : medication for anxiety and palpitations?

18-04-08, 21:08

Does anyone know if Propanolol works for easing or getting rid of ectopic beats? Also I have read on here that a few people have been prescribed it for anxiety?

I am having bad ectopics, have been for years but they have been particuarly bad the last few months and are ruling my life-i have a 24hr ECG tape booked next week and am seeing the cardiologist 1st May and wanted to ask him about going on them, so any advice from members who have tried them....for anxiety and/or ectopic beats...... would be appreciated.

Thanks Guys

Lou xxxxxxxx

18-04-08, 23:24
Hi .. lou.... i had same problems as you.. all tests clear as i am sure your will be, so try not to worry, easy said, i know.... i take Proprananol 40mgs daily.. initially for migraine but after clear tests it was suggestted anyway... it really can help with anxiety and eptopics and had no side effects at all for me.... i can only say good things about it.. i have v.low blood pressure which although a good thing generally, it can aggrievate palps and migraine... so i would say if your doc has suggested it, it would definitely be worth trying :yesyes:
Take Care

18-04-08, 23:31

Do you have low BP due to the propanolol or just in general? Ive heard it reduces your blood pressure and can make you feel quite dizzy sometimes. Also, if it does lower your Bp, you said that this can aggrevate ectopics and palps so doesnt taking them kinda defeat the object then? :wacko:

Lordy lord i'm confused lol

Lou xxxx

18-04-08, 23:42
Hi Jimmirock... it is confusing... and my blood pressure is naturally low but not excessively so... but i think the principle with the migraine treatment bit is that at a low dose it does more to regulate your heart rate than reduce it, there is still loads they don't understand about the cause of migraine but they think that spasm of the blood vessles in the brain can cause the attacks and beta blockers can stop this from happening by keeping it all steady... the proprananol has never made feel dizzy so im guessing at this dose it fine for my body but it has done wonders for my migraines :yesyes:
I have three friends taking it for the same reason (migraine) and one for anxiety but i know their dose is much higher at 60 or 80mgs a day, so i guess my dose is the right one for me but maybe given at higher doses for others....
Best Wishes