View Full Version : To medicate or not

19-04-08, 04:20
I'm not sure what to do for the best... I have been depressed now for 2 months. I'm like a different person to who I was before; I'm still managing to drag myself out of bed to go to work (just) but to be honest, if it wasn't for my husband making me go, I could easily spend the day in bed, no problem. But everything else that I had has gone down the pan since I became depressed ie. I stopped contacting friends, stopped going swimming, stopped doing my hobbies, basically anything that I enjoyed before - I have put on hold. I discussed my depression with a work colleague who was feeling the same way and talked myself into going to my doctor for anti-depressants as they worked for me once before about 10 years ago. I went home, told my husband and he said it was a waste of time (he is a psychiatric nurse). I sort of feel he is right in some respects because he remembers a really bad time a couple of years ago when I took Lustral but I just don't know what to do to shake this feeling.... I wish I did. Don't know why I'm writing this really just hoping for some magic words I suppose. M x

19-04-08, 06:15
Hi Mazi,

The path to recovery starts with a change - we consult a Doctor , we join a support group , we start a self-help programme ,etc etc
The fact that you are showing a willingness to initiate some form of change shows what a great person you are.You are not prepared to sit back and let this condition get worse.

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

Consulting your GP sounds like a great idea.Do make him fully aware of the Meds you have previously taken and make him aware of your husband's concerns.You have got nothing to lose by doing this and possibly everything to gain.
Keep believing in yourself.
Best wishes,

19-04-08, 06:21
Thank you Chalky for the kind words, I really appreciate them and just reading different threads in this forum have helped me. mazi x

19-04-08, 10:51
Hi Mazi ... i agree totally with Chalky.... you are doing all the right things :yesyes: I wouldn't totally dismiss the anti-depressants tho, they have done wonders for me, but i accept that they are not for everyone...I feel that the only way out of this horrible condition is by never giving up... the more treatments we try whether they be meds or something else the more likely it is that we will find our way out..
Stay strong and never give up and you will be ok :)
Take Care :bighug1:

19-04-08, 10:58
Your husband sounds supportive in most regards but really it is your choice, i agree whole-heartedly with the site admin about a non-tablet approach early on as you have been here before.

Talking therapies is what im trying at the moment and im hearing great things about EFT also.

I too could happily spend all day in bed :)

Take some time out and relax as much as possible, closing off from the world is a protection mechanism that we do naturally to preserve ourselves from further stress or projecting our stress onto others.

Brave step to talk about it, now to make steps towards feeling a little better.
