View Full Version : left arm numb??

19-04-08, 06:50
i find that when i start getting these unwanted thoughts and my heart starts pounding my left arm goes totally numb and weird..does anyone else have this aswell??


19-04-08, 10:41
Yes it varies from person to person but during my heavier panic attacks my arm(s) starts to go numb as well as my fingertips.

Totally normal for a panic related incident.


21-04-08, 17:03
I too agree with it might have to do with nerves. When i was in the throws of my worst panic days about a year ago i would get tingling and numbness in my left arm as well. Now i exercise and i even started yoga, but heres the kicker, when i lay flat on my back on the wood floor doing yoga, both of my arms will go numb which leads me to believe that is a compressed nerve being aggrivated by the flat surface of the floor. Anxiety and panic can cause great tension, which i still experience, a lot of it is subconcious and most people do not realize just how tense they are. I would recommend yoga for the breathing techniques and the physical aspect to help relieve tension and learn how to just let go of it. Once you let go of that tension i have noticed a lot of physical symptoms just melting away. I hope this helps you in some way.

21-04-08, 17:09
i can lean forward and be fine. i will lean back against a wall today and see what happens. the laying flat on the floor part is towards the end of the yoga class so i dont know if all the other twisting and stretching helps to bring out the aggrivation or if its just the flat on the floor part. will definatly do some experimenting with it and get back to you on that one.