View Full Version : worried

19-04-08, 08:29
Hi, my name is Donna and I first went on no more panic in july/ August last year when I had my first panic attacks. I suffered from some depression last year and the doc put me on some antidepressants that brought on my first panic attack. I passed out twice and felt like I was dying it was so scary. I then got put on some medication till september. I was off work all through August last year. I went back in september. Since then I have been better but I still ocasionally get panicky. Like I am now. I found out I was pregnant a few days ago, for the second time. I have a daughter who is almost three. And for some reason my pregnancy seems to be bringing my panic back a bit. I hope this is just a passing phase.

19-04-08, 09:56
hi Donna welcome and im Donna too hehe, hormones do play a big part in how you feel and also just falling pregnant has probably got you worrying too, i a sure it will pass as pregnancy goes on, i know from having 3 that 1st 3 months is not good well werent for me anyway, also had bad depression after the first 2, you find find loads support on here xx

19-04-08, 10:50
:) hi donna:welcome: pregancy is a time of worry isnt it? im trying for a second now and i know i get anxious about itand im not actually pregnant yet! you will be questionin gyour ability anyway but now youve had this nasty spell you will prob be worrying more and more? bear this is mind donna, you got like this because of a reaction to meds you were on? you do not need to worry now as you are no longer taking them, and it is a reminder that for some people they actually make the situation worse, but on a positive note by not being able to take them you can find better ways to deal with your anxiety that give you a deep sense of satisfaction and self-worth, i would recommend exercise - you can do this in pregancyif you are already fit although gently and you would have to check out how much you could do if you were unfit - meditation, cbt, and good nutrition - so no crisps, sweets, pop or reafy made meals:lac: :weep: but it will be well worth it for how much better a healthy diet makes you feel:yesyes: take care and all the best with the pregnancy:)

19-04-08, 11:06
Wow you passed out twice?

I think thats an overload of stress as this happened to me in 2003 and it scared me beyond words. Unfortunately with a large percentage of anti-depressants one of the main side effects is "can cause panic attacks", pathetic in my opinion but true. Taking a tablet too combat panic that can induce panic is so backwards its like living in the 1800's and having a leech stuck on my head.

Anyway hun back to you, wonderfull news your having another baby!!

Feeling panicky is ok because you recognise your body's behaviour now, going back to work is an immense step and i comend you for that. Hormones will play a huge part but you have been here before so you already know that.

Stay as positive as you can be, relax or exercise depending on how you feel and take control of each day by choosing how you spend it.


19-04-08, 19:23
Hi Donna

A warm :welcome: aboard.

Have a good read of the website pages on the left for loads of support and advice.

You will meet some lovely people here.

19-04-08, 19:39
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :smile:

20-04-08, 10:02
hiya Donna :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . you will get lots of support/advice and make some great friends along the way. dont forget to visit the chat roon where you can talk to us all about things or just have a giggle and take your mind of your worrys.
best wishes
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


20-04-08, 11:44
Hi Donna

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

20-04-08, 11:44
Hello Donna and welcome to NMP.

You will find lots of useful advice here, and make lots of new friends along the way who understand exactly how you are feeling.


21-04-08, 00:53
Hello Donna And Welcome......i Wish Ya Well........linda

22-04-08, 17:50

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

22-04-08, 19:42
Hi Donna,

Welcome back to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Congratulations on your pregnancy!!
Best wishes,