View Full Version : troublesome eyes

29-03-05, 10:59
hi everyone,
i havent been online for a while because ive been spring cleaning my house ready for a house exchange, but thats another story my problem is my eyes, it started with a headache in my eyes [if u no what i mean] and also my eyes have been a bit watery and my eyelids seem a bit sticky, i also have been dizzy, i havent had any mucky stuff in my eyes though,can anyone relate to this, and is it to do with anxiety
luv sue:(

29-03-05, 11:02
Hey Sue,

I can relate to that, but it wasn't down to anxiety...(for once!), i got exactly the same symptoms in the run up to the flu. Perhaps if you can pop in and ask a pharmacist?? It sounds like an cold kind of thing?

tracy x x

29-03-05, 11:02
hi Sue,

Sore eyes can often be cause by high blood pressure, which is another symptom of anxiety. This goes for headaches as well. Don't worry about it as it's just anxiety. I hope you feel better soon!!

Sarah :D

29-03-05, 11:02
hi i dont think i would put it down to the anxiety i would maybe as in the chemist or go see the doc best not taking any chances

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

29-03-05, 11:17
thanks for replys guys,
i think it probably is anxiety, prior to this eye trouble, i sat and cried, cause everything got on top of me,since then ive had this problem with my eyes, i got a feeling it to do with me crying ect what do you think
regards sue

29-03-05, 11:20
hi yes your probably right if you been crying it might have dried your eyes out .....that sounds daft but i knbow what i mean lol

try some of that eye washj stuff they make not sure what its called but it might sooth them a bit

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

29-03-05, 11:29
thanks fan,
i love that quote at the end of message first time i laughed in quite a while luv sue

29-03-05, 18:09

Try some Optrex but if it doesn't get any better then pop and see the pharmacist (they offer very good advice).

I love Fan's quote too - very appropriate for here!


29-03-05, 18:17
Hi Sue
My eyes have been like this after i've had a cry. Especially if i've been blubbing like a baby the night before, they are then very itchy and watery too.

Yea Fan's quote is great but knowing my luck i'd get to the end of tunnel and would of forgotten to take me lighter to light it lol.


02-04-05, 18:39
hi tracy68,
thanks for reply im worried because my eyes have been itchy and watery since last sat, i didnt expect it to last so long, i dont think i have conjuntivitis, cause they arent sore and crusty, its been very anoying
luv sue