View Full Version : :: Income Support / Mobility conundrum ::

19-04-08, 13:22
Ok i have been mulling this over of if i should post or not but here is my problem.

At the moment my income support application is being processed and my mobility (lower rate) is £69 per month approx.

My psychology appointment is once weekly and i have to take a taxi or my anxiety will be through the roof from the bus and i would have to part-walk the rest of the way. Arguably my choice, arguably no choice.

The taxi costs £25 for a round trip (can you see where this is going?)


My psychologist suggested group therapy to which i have made an initial appointment in May. The group therapy is situated near the psychologists office but will not run on the same day.

This means it will cost £50 a week to do both.

Assuming my income support is awarded i will get approx £79 a fortnight.

At the moment i have a pre-pay subscription card to reduce prescription charges.

I waited 11 months from my initial psychologist interview to be seen even though im registered with the mental hospital as a self-inflicter (past not present) and have tried to end myself twice.

The last part is by-the-by and i feel i need both therapies, the more the merrier. However my last psychologist appointment didnt run very smoothly when i posed the question....

" so what happens after the 10 weeks is over? "

To which came " what do you mean, what happens? "

(anger builds up, how easy is that question?)

" i mean when its over what happens to me then? do you referr me? "

To which came " why would i refer you? "

(oh dear)

" beacause i waited so long to get into the system i feel that if im not feeling/coping better after the 10 weeks im somehow further into the system "

" well ????? if you think this is a stepping stone i dont see why you are coming here "

(furious now)

Thats pretty much how it went, not only can i not afford to go to these sessions that i feel i do need, i am being slightly initimidated by someone who holds answers to my recovery but does not seem happy to lead me in any direction.

Same day i come home and my heart starts pounding heavy, head goes dizzy, legs a little shaky, so i go to the toilet and stick my fingers down my throat (definately not recomended but bare with me). I was so annoyed in principle that my panic attack and axiety came from knowhere IN MY OWN HOUSE (reminding me of the old days) i said to myself "if my heart wants to race i will give it reason to race".

As soon as i relieved myself of the liquid that came up and brushed my teeth my heart rate dropped back to "normal" and i managed to contain it for the rest of the day.

The same way when my arm developed phantom pains for a week that i perceveired with for 4 days before i punched myself in the arm. "you want ache? here now ache", sadly again it worked.

Me VS Me (foolish pride and ego)


I have had panic attacks for 3 years and feel angry at myself, which i know is wrong and counter-productive, but this is my life and how my brain thinks.

Anyway to get back on point, financially this is almost impossible, i smoke (call it luxury, i call it necessity) and drink a bottle of red each week, to maintain some sense of a "normal" life.

Jesus i feel awfull for even typing this out but its eating at me.

Anyone else in the same financial boat full of holes like me?


19-04-08, 13:50
Hi Cons

Reading your story reminds me of why I am so anti-NHS psychological services because basically most of time for a lot of people their system just doesn't work.

Like you, I have long term problems and have, ine the past been offered short term, time limited therapy. Like you say, what happens when those sessions are up? I'm forced to struggle to pay privately because at least I can trust the therapist I see.

Anyway, regarding your transport question, if you are awarded income support you would be entitled to some help with hospital transport costs I would think but whether this would cover taxis I'm not sure. It would be worth checking with your local Citizens Advice Bureau about this.


19-04-08, 13:58
Ty Karen,

its so disheartening to be finally in to find out your psychologist is a glorified GP. Maybe an overstatement but hey im angry.

The income support form is filled out over the telephone now so i couldnt add the little extras that needed adding.

Pretty sure the taxi wont be covered.

Can i ask how much you pay for therapy and what kind it is please?

19-04-08, 15:19
Hi Con
Sorry to hear your having problems. I know how it feels never having an money being on benefits. I was on them for years until 7 years ago when i was lucky enough to be able to go back to work, but i remember only to well what it was like.
When your awarded income support your prescriptions/nhs dental treatments are free plus you get help towards your optical too. Travel costs to see an nhs consultant are refunded depending on your local patient care trust..check it out as the majority do refund.
If your not awared income support then the nhs have a low income support scheme too. If your income is £15,050 or under you can get help with all your health costs same as with income support. You have to declare dla on the application form but its not taken into account when they assess your application as its purely for your disability.The more your income is under £15,050 the more help your awarded. All you need to do is fill in a form called an HC1 which you can get if you phone 0845 850 1166 and theyll post it out to you, but you should be able to pick one up from a dentist/job centre/opticians, or you should be able to.. Theres a disability benefits hepline on 0800 88 22 00 open 8am - 6pm they can give advice on benefits you might be entitled to as well...always worth asking.
You might be able to get the cost of your pre-paid certificate refunded if your given inc support, but it will depend on how long youve had it when your awarded benefits.
Hope your able to get the help you need as it would help you so much.
Good luck

19-04-08, 15:43
Ty Leslya,

Very informative, i have been on ncome support on and off since 2003.

Dropped out of uni due to anxiety and bcuz of the uni grant award social cut me off.

I apreciate the time taken and i need chase up my aplication on Monday as its been nearly 2 weeks.

Thanks again,


19-04-08, 21:03
Hope you get sorted soon cons.
My job is in this area so if you want any info i will help you all i can or if i dont know i will try to find out for you.
Pm me anytime.
Best of luck hun I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

19-04-08, 21:18
Hi Cons

I see a CBT therapist (cognative behaviour therapist) and pay £55 per hour which is a reduced rate because I'm on benefits. It is a lot to find out of my benefit but I trust my therapist and have always had trust issues with the NHS therapists I've seen so it's worth it for me.

I hope you get your income support sorted.

Karen x