View Full Version : headache and dizziness

19-04-08, 13:42
hi all hope you can help me i have had this headache and dizziness for about 2 months now ive been to the docs and he said it was sress but im getting really scared now thinking it could be a brain anurysm and im goingbto drop dead any minute now it alwasys there and the dizziness makes me feel like im going to fall over im struggling to do everyday things im back at work on monday ive just had a weeks hholiday and im dredding it it making my panic worse has anyone else felt like this x

19-04-08, 14:23
Hi.. Tink...im sure you are gonna get loads of replies on this one cos i know tons of people with anxiety get exactly the same symptoms... when i was poorly a couple of years ago with anxiety and panic i had the same sensations as you... i felt like the ground was moving, everything was in slow motion and dizzy all the time and had a constant headache... it was horrible but as i started to feel better, these feelings got less and less until they dispeared completely....i even had an MRI cos i was so convinced that it was something serious but it was clear... now that my anxiety has returned, im getting the same sort of symptoms but much reduced cos they don't worry me as much now i know that it has happened before and sorted itself out... try not to worry cos im sure its anxiety and if you can beat that, then the dizzies and headaches will sort themselves out too...
Take care

20-04-08, 02:05
Headaches and dizziness huh? Sounds like me :P I get this too.

If you want to talk about it send me a msg or read my posts..

I know it sucks, really sucks!

Hope you feel better soon!