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View Full Version : Swapping from Seroxat to another medication HELP?

19-04-08, 16:05
Since i started taking Seroxat (paroxetine)8 years ago they have always worked for me. However after suffering an extreme bout of Anxiety/panic/depression 3 months ago and having the doctor up my seroxat to 40mg i still dont feel they are really working 'that well' for me anymore.... :weep:

The doctor has suggested that i 'could' swap to another anti-depressent but she is loathed to do so as in the past these have worked for me. Has anyone ever swapped to another med? What were the side effects? She said i would have to start another med at 10mg and work my way up again like i did with the seroxat, wouldnt this just put me back to feeling even worse again? Im very confused. If anyone has experienced a similar siuation i would really really appreciate hearing from you. Thank you :unsure:

19-04-08, 16:08
I moved from SEroxat to mirtazapine several years ago, successfully. Unfortunately it's a bit hit and miss. My success was because MIrtazapine worked for me and I'm on it since then (think it was around 2001).

Hope things work out for you.

19-04-08, 16:14
My mother was on Seroxat 40 mg for 4 years and popsy its had AWFULL press.

Talking with her now she has been recomended Lofepramine 70mg 3 x a day so 210mg a day which is the highest dosage you can have. In her own words:

" Seroxat in the end made me feel suicidal so i looked it up on the net and after half a days reading i booked into the GP the next day and he suggested Lofepramine "

I was a witness to how she changed from the switch and it definately did help her, but as you already know popsy what works for some might not work for others.

Personally in my biased opinion and concern i would change the tablet and ask about withdrawl symptoms.

She was on the 40mg Seroxat just like you before things took a turn for the worse, no events, just the change in her dosage of medication. Sorry to be so blunt and i certainly dont want panic or alarm you popsy.

Maybe others here will concur.


19-04-08, 16:15
Did you have to start at 10mg and work your way up again? Did you experiece any side effects?
Thanks for your posting
C x

19-04-08, 16:40
Hi popsy.. i swapped from Prozac (Fluxotine) to Citalopram and had some side effects with anxiety increasing for a week but then it settled down and now im feeling sooo much better, so i would say to swap too... i started on 20mg for a week and went up to 30mg a week ago which seems right for me and so far i feel good... take care popsy
Rach :bighug1:

19-04-08, 17:03
Popsy, it was a long time ago but I think I came off 30mg Seroxat (or maybe 20) a few days' break then onto 30mg Mirtazapine.

19-04-08, 19:10
Thank you for all your posts, i didnt realise SSRI could all be so different for different people, i thought they were pretty much the same thing!:ohmy:
Charlie xxxx

20-04-08, 22:01
Hi Popsy

I was on seroxat for 6 yrs then swapped to citalopram for 5 years and now prozac. My problem is anxiety not really depression and the seroxat worked amazing for me. citalopram wsas ok and prozac i have stopped cos my anxiety went through the roof. I know seroxat has bad press but it worked for me so i may gfo back on it as nothing else really works.

21-04-08, 09:10
Why did you swap off seroxat in the first place if it worked so well, if you dont mind me asking? Thanks for your posting, its really interesting & helpful to get other peoples opinions that have been in my situation. C x x x

21-04-08, 12:31
Hi popsy

I suppose i was on for 6 yrs and though i should come off them . i didnt swap to go on another pill i wanted off altogether as i put weight on.

When i got bad again they decided to put me on something else

how r u feeling xx

21-04-08, 13:04
thanks for replying Bab.
Im not feeling good today, i have good times and very bad ones and thats why i dont think the medication im on is really working for me, especially as its the highest dose my gp will give me. im scared to try something else though incase of the side effects and ending up feeling even worse, i dont think i could cope with that, im finding it hard enough as it is..... i just dont know what to do, very confused and frightened! anxiety is such an awful disability, before it ever happend to me i had absolutely no idea what it could be like and how ill it makes you, thats why this forum is great cos people here really do know what your talking about! Thank you x

21-04-08, 13:41
Hi Popsy

I am taking 40mg Seroxat (the brand not the generic)and i thought i would just say that my doctor has said that it can be taken at a higher dose, he told me he has a few patients with OCD who are taking 60mg plus and he said that it can be given to patients with Anxiety and Depression/Panic at a higher dose to see if it helps more...

I am not saying to ask for that dose or anything,lol..just i think Doctors all have different attitudes to medications and what dosages,etc...and most people would not want to go that high because if it did not help then they may have a harder time withdrawing from it,etc.

Seroxat works for me very well and if the day comes i would go up a little higher just to see if it did help and deal with all the rest when it or if it comes to it, if you know what i mean....i have read of a lot of people on here who have stopped taking Seroxat and later gone back on it and it never worked the same again....its so hard and frustrating!...to know what to do and everyone is different..

Probably not much help, but i hope you are doing aswell as can be.

Best wishes
