View Full Version : yawning, and dizziness,heart beat

19-04-08, 16:27
Has anyone ever had a scenario where they feel light-headed or dizzy and then they yawn excessively? It’s happened to me a few times over the years and yesterday it did, so I took my pulse and it felt slower than usual with maybe a few skipped beats. I looked it up as much as I could and it’s some sort of vasovagal reaction. It really scared me and I was wondering if anyone else has ever experienced something like this, or knows about it. Thank You

19-04-08, 16:55
Hi Leanbeanstreet..... i feel dizzy and have palps (eptopics) when i am anxious and this makes me very very tired, so i would say yes..i think these are just about the most common symptoms of anxiety.... i would say not to google symptoms EVER cos you will just frighten yourself and especially not these ones cos they are so general that you will find that they come up against all sorts of scary illnesses.....I honestly wouldn't be worried about this, in fact i would be surprised if there are many people on this site who can't relate to these symptoms.. but if you are still concerned ...see your doc who will be able to put your mind at rest... take care :bighug1: