View Full Version : dizziness and exessive yawning- heart beats

19-04-08, 16:28
Has anyone ever had a scenario where they feel light-headed or dizzy and then they yawn excessively? It’s happened to me a few times over the years and yesterday it did, so I took my pulse and it felt slower than usual with maybe a few skipped beats. I looked it up as much as I could and it’s some sort of vasovagal reaction. It really scared me and I was wondering if anyone else has ever experienced something like this, or knows about it. Thank You

19-04-08, 17:23
Sounds like classic symptoms of anxiety to me. I get all three.

If your worried though hun, please contact your gp

Take care


21-04-08, 08:29
Yawning is something that I've noticed incresed EXSPONETIALY when you're thinking about them. A few weeks ago I had similar symptoms and was yawning 4 or 5 times a minitue. After a few days I stoped worrying about them, and they almost instantly disapeared.