View Full Version : moving!!

29-03-05, 11:45
hi need somemore advice please,
im moving house in about five weeks time, i want to get out of my current house its a long story i wont bore you with it but area where im living cause myself and my kiddies have been picked on since we moved here back in 2000, its a long story i wont bore you with it, my problem is im scared to move [even though i desprately want to] because of the panic/anxiety, the school is a lot further than the one they are at at present, and so is the shops, i keep thinking how am i going to cope, getting the kids to school etc, its a lovley house where im going and not many kids dossing in the street ect how do you think i should overcome this im frightened im going to get alot worse i havent got anyone else to take my kids to school but i also think i shouldnt let my disorder stop me and the kids enjoying a new life id appreciate any suggestions
luv sue

29-03-05, 11:53
hi Sue,

It seems like you are in a bit of a Catch22 situation. You say that you are not happy where you are so you should definitely move. It's normal to be scared about it but it's worth a try. I'm sure that once you settle in at the new place you will feel a lot less anxious. Let us know how it goes, ok?

Sarah :D

29-03-05, 11:57
thanks sarah,
i despretly want to move but its just getting the kids to and from school i know i will panic when im half way to school with them i hope i can control the attacks.
regards sue

29-03-05, 13:02
Hi, just think about how different it will be in your new home and how much better it may make you feel


29-03-05, 14:05
Hi Sue

This will be hard for you but remember how much nicer your home will be and the area you live in. And you wont have the pressure that you have where you are living now and that could be a total fresh start for you and once settled in your new home, some of you anxiety might lift straight away.

Its a new beginning and by the sounds of it a lot happier one. Dont worry about getting the children to school or going to the shops as this will make you feel worse. Get moved and see how things are once you have settled in.

Best of luck mate, you deserve some happiness.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

29-03-05, 14:40
I agree ,sort the move first then make plans for getting to school etc.

I wish you all the best with it and hope you will be happy in your new home .

kiz x

29-03-05, 18:07

Go for it and try not to worry about the school run and the shops yet. That will come with practice and I am sure you will be much happier in yourself in a new area so it may be the boost you need.

Don't let that hold you back from getting a new home please.


29-03-05, 19:27
Hi Sue,

I think the key here is to keep on reminding yourself how much better life is going to be for you and the kids once you move.

You will no longer have the hassle of those dossers you talk about and it will be a much nicer house. These are pretty important features of your daily life which are going to improve no end.

Positive Positive Positive!

Any change will seem daunting, and once you get over the change and start to enjoy the better environment, maybe that will help your anxiety and make it easier to cope with the journeys to and from school and the shops.

It will be for the better, I'm sure.

Take Care,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker