View Full Version : I Want To Have A Few Drinks Again But I Am Scared HELP

19-04-08, 18:31
I'm really nervous about it, I had Generalised anxiety disorder for a few years, I'm not sure if it was counsilling that stopped my anxiety or if it was giving up alcohol and caffeine. I finished CBT around about when I gave up alcohol 1 year ago or so, I've actually just went back on the caffenine about 2 weeks ago with no problems at all, I now want to go back to the alcohol, because going out to pubs and clubs isn't any fun with out a drink, but as mentioned I am scared, I am scared that its the main cause of my anxiety, and by starting it again I will go right back to square 1 with generalised anxiety. Then there is the guilt of actually drinking, I've been of it a year, I fear i'll beat myself up with guilt if I go back to it, because giving up alcohol is quite a feet for a clubber. I'm not talking about getting legless, I'm talking about half a dozen beers on a Sat night

I'm so confussed Grrrrr

19-04-08, 18:40
Is it the alchahol that brought on the panic last time? If so how much did you have to drink to get in that state. I think the main problem will be that if you are so scared to drink, just drinking whilst scared of doing it will probably bring one on. I drink to get rid of my panic. But I know that if I sparked up a spliff right now i'd have a panic attack. Even being in the same room as some one doing it makes me panic because thats what brought mine on in the first place. If drink brang it on in the first place. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to start untill you are sure you can cope..

I hope this helped. If not just say. Thanks

19-04-08, 18:44
hi hun,
if your able to just have a couple then id say thats ok, i know when i have to much to drink my anxiety bad next day, but youve obviously got will power . you dont say if you gave up booze as you were dependent on ut were u? coz that would be different and id say stay clear. but if it was just to help your panic etc just try a couple and see how you go.
becca xx

19-04-08, 18:46
I don't think so, The thing that put me off it was, did you ever get drunk on totally vodka and redbull?? The caffeine sent me bloody haywire, I must have had about 7:scared15: :scared15: So having a caffeine attack while drunk actually scared me.

Its another fear I feel I need to beat

19-04-08, 18:48
hi hun,
if your able to just have a couple then id say thats ok, i know when i have to much to drink my anxiety bad next day, but youve obviously got will power . you dont say if you gave up booze as you were dependent on ut were u? coz that would be different and id say stay clear. but if it was just to help your panic etc just try a couple and see how you go.
becca xx
No I was never dependant, I was a one night a week guy, but as I say, I don't know if it was Alcohol that caused anxiety and panic attacks or they just sort of happened because of my negative self talk etc

19-04-08, 18:58
oh eck!! not suprised on vodka and red bull!!! lol nice tho! dont think having couple of beers will do you any harm hun, dont forget will go to your head quite quick after none for a year. i know wot u mean tho, i love goin out to pubs etc but now i worry a bit as my prob is i dont know when to stop and regret like mad the next day, but like i said you seem a strong charachter so just play it by ear, have a couple, you dont need to get drunk hunni xx:)

ps. do what you feels right, theres no point bringing on a pa..cant you say have a shandy stead of a straight beer, youll still feel like you having a drink then.

19-04-08, 19:00
Break yourself back into it gently, have a few at home before having a few outside of home.

That way you can lie down if you feel under par,

What works for me is a couple of glasses of red wine (can control the affect more than lager) until im just past tipsy. Then i stop.

See how you go, it seems you have made your mind up already anyway but "dont overdo it", how cliche is that?

But true,


19-04-08, 19:07
hi again
cons,, that was what i meant to say too, try having a couple at home first.. glad you said that.. xx

19-04-08, 19:08
oh eck!! not suprised on vodka and red bull!!! lol nice tho! dont think having couple of beers will do you any harm hun, dont forget will go to your head quite quick after none for a year. i know wot u mean tho, i love goin out to pubs etc but now i worry a bit as my prob is i dont know when to stop and regret like mad the next day, but like i said you seem a strong charachter so just play it by ear, have a couple, you dont need to get drunk hunni xx:)

ps. do what you feels right, theres no point bringing on a pa..cant you say have a shandy stead of a straight beer, youll still feel like you having a drink then.

The way I look at it is, if it all goes Pete Tong i've got through anxiety before and I can get through it again. It was always the nexy day that was the trouble for me also.

19-04-08, 19:11
hi again
cons,, that was what i meant to say too, try having a couple at home first.. glad you said that.. xx

I wasn't planning on going anywhere tonight, just a few in front of TV, In saying that my heart isn't 100% in it, but I want to do it to prove to myself I am not scared so to speak.

19-04-08, 19:18
I know exactley what you mean ^

19-04-08, 19:30
Grrr I just don't know what to do!!! I want to do it to prove to myself I'm not scared but then I dont want my anxiety back.

If I only knew that I couldn't go back to where I was, I have leant alot of skills through CBT so in theory I should never be as bad as I was

20-04-08, 14:30
Hi there

I hope you get to read this response.

My hubby has had anxiety for 15yrs it started after his mother died. he started to drink to numb the pain of his loss. he would drink only 4 cans per night which then became an addiction.
I became ill emotionally 3yrs ago and he has stood by me through it all and to a cost. His drinking became more and started with Diazapam to help him which I believe is the worst thing the gp did.

Drinking and taking drugs.
He went for help with his drinking and was offered a bed to detox. that was November last year.
He successfully did it and my god he changed so fast, he said that alot of the anxiety had gone and he couldnt believe how good he felt.
He looked healthier and was able to function.

Unfortunately I had a bad time in Feb and self harmed pretty badly, he started to drink again.He takes about 3 cans per night and all his anxiety is back.

I feel the guilt because he come so far and I distroyed it.
Ive asked him if he will give up and he said no. I dont understand why back Im not in his shoes.

All I want to say to you is, I wish you well with what you decide but if you do drink again its not your fault its the way you cope.
We all have our own vices which only us can control but it takes time.

take care of you

20-04-08, 19:06
Can I ask - What is the point of drinking alcohol. I know you say you don't want to be scared of doing something but evidence shows that alcohol does cause physical stress. This is not something you can necessarily control it is simply the way your body reacts to the chemicals ie it is basically toxic and each person has their own bodies limits.

Now ok most people can drink some alcohol without it causing any bad effects but it does cause some the main one being it alters our perceptions. In some people this is calming and in others it causes aggression and in others it causes panic.

What I'm getting at is if you have suffered with anxiety and obviously worked really hard to get over it and deal with things why bother running the risk of starting the whole thing off again. Especially with a substance that isn't necessary. Surely you can enjoy yourself at a club or bar without the need for alcohol.

If someone told me that eating or drinking one substance caused the misery that is panic and anxiety I sure as hell wouldn't be thinking about trying to take it.

You don't need it don't risk it.

21-04-08, 19:26
Thought I would give you's an update. I had a few drinks IE 6 tins of lager, while I felt ok when drinking it I was anxious yesterday and even last night had disturbed sleep. All this has done has reafirmed that giving up alcohol was the right choice for me. However I mentioned this to my wife, and she says she also gets like this after alcohol, and a guy at work today was describing the same thing, These are people without anxiety, so it must be the norm with alcohol and I am better of without it

24-04-08, 10:30
Hi there

Just want to say I wish you well and good luck:hugs: :hugs:

take care of you