View Full Version : panic attack in supermarket -

19-04-08, 18:43

My anxiety has been bad the past few months.

Went back on lose dose of meds. Have been on them on and off for past few years but they dont seem to be working as good as before.

I was feeling fine at home today, then i went to the supermarket with my mum. While in there i started to feel lightheaded and panicky. I could feel a panic attack coming on, so i put down my shopping and went outside for air.

I tried to calm myself down and then went back in and paid for my shopping.

I felt like i wasnt here, i looked around at all the people and the lights seemed very bright. i felt scared to be in there and just needed to get out. My body felt like it was tingling,i felt lightheaded and sick.

On the way home in car i still felt so scared. I thought back to what had happened and it seem to start me off again.

Im back home now and i seemed to have calmed down a bit. I still feel sick and bit panicky.

I dont understand why this happened. I was feeling good today.

I dont know why my meds are not working. they are only a very low dose and maybe i am more anxious now than when i was on them before.

Sorry to go on, i feel so fed up of feeling like this. these panic attacsks make u feel so rubbish for hours after. I cant seem to forget when they happen and just seem to wait for the next one.All i seem to do is think about having one and it starts me off panicking again

Does anyone else feel like this. I feel ridiculous for fearing fear.

love mandie x

19-04-08, 18:50
Fear of fear is totally natural,

supermarkets get to me as i want to get in and out as quickly as possible which isnt usually the case.

Feeling good today is a positive but i think your subconscience was overpowering you a little. How to beat the subconscience huh? going out for air was brave in itself, i would of just gone home, so power to your elbow for that. Many people feel like this and although we are all individual, when it comes to anxiety and panic we are all very similar. This forum is testimony to that.

When i type replies im carefull as what to write as i dont want to worry the person more as this would be counter productive. You went shopping and you got home. Now is time to relax and maybe distract.

Medication change is always an option and i would suggest a visit to your GP explaining exactley what you wrote here.

With best intentions,


22-04-08, 17:56

I have suffered anxiety on and off for years and managed to keep it under some sort of control, recently it has started coming back which is why I came on to this web site. I take proprananol again on and off again for years but I find the main things that help me are my vitamins, diet and camomile tea, ( I followed Megs story and Milly helped with my vitamins) I have to say I have found sticking to this a great help.

On Saturday I took the plunge and instead of going to the corner shop for my sons pack up I went to the supermarket (alright it was a smaller supermarket but it was a supermarket!!) whilst there I started to panic so remembering what some people on the site has suggested started to talk to the lady in front of me, in the end helping her pack her bags!! She thanked me and said what a relief it was that someone had helped her as there had been times when she had been in such a panic that she had walked out and left her shopping.

I was so enthralled I wanted to hug her (incidently my panic had now disappeared!!!) Is that not proof in itself.

Hope this helps. Look that panic straight in the eye!!!



23-04-08, 10:01
Hi Hayley

Thank you for your reply.

Its silly but i havent been able to go back in that supermarket since it happened.

Iv been into other ones, but purposefully have been avoiding it

I no the only way to conquer this thing is to face it, so today i will go in and face it.

Can you tell me what vitamins you take?

love mandie x

24-04-08, 15:28
Hi - I am so like you in that as soon as I set foot in any supermarket my breathing goes all over the place,I sweat and feel shaky and have to force myself to stand still. I learnt over the years that if you keep running away you are telling your subconcious it is dangerous to be in a supermarket - it isnt the place that is giving you the fear - its your alarm bell in your head = the panic mechanism remembers again and again so reinforces the bad stuff. I still go in supermarkets but can only buy a few items and go for the shortest queue and pay cash - I still feel panicky but I try to slow my breathing down and say to myself that |I am fine - I am fine - its ok - Im safe and secure - Im not saying its easycoz I totally freak out inside and am trying to not run out of the shop - its really difficult in any place I feel trapped - churches, cinema, theatre etc - my daughter is graduating in summer and my son is getting married next year and I am sh*****g myself about being trapped in the uni hall for an hour or more and also the wedding when I will have to sit at the front and feel trapped - silly coz its only my thoughts making me feel this way - I really really want to go to both the wedding and graduation and I will but I will have to take some Kalms or do some EFT first.

Sorry to waffle on like this - feeling a bit down myself today!!
Wenjoy xxx

24-04-08, 17:26
i am the same i get the same sytoms sometimes i try to push through it other times i put the basket down and head out the shop.

sometimes i have even taken my 12 year old with me and she stands in the queae cause they make me panic more,

i am fine in other shops just supermarkets i do my shopping online alot eaiser

i do try and go back in myself just to push myself sometimes it works other times it dosent even what i do is call my parnter on the phone and talk to him while im shopping it can help ease the panic.

althlough its not only the shopping it the waiting at the tills i cant go thats when i start to panic, i keep thinking to myself what have to run i cant and that when it starts.

hate it