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View Full Version : I am so spotty:-(

19-04-08, 19:40
I am still getting very hard spots under my skin (no heads) they are small pea size, very hard ball feeling. I was getting them on my face esp around chin and eyebrow area but now I am only getting very tiny zits in these areas and I am getting the hard ball ones around the sides of my face/ear areas.

I keep getting raised glands in my jaw area. I had a very large one up on the right a few weeks ago when my spots were really bad on my chin. I am not too bad at the moment on my chin but I have a really really sore raised gland on my left side now, its quite large and moveable. I get them raised there usually if im ill but as my spots are not that bad actually on my face except for one large one up by my eye and a hard one by left ear which is now going down would it raise a gland in my jaw area?? Would spots keep causing the glands to raise? (kind of worried face:D )

I am due to see my GP in a month for an iron blood test, I was going to wait until then to mention it to him, I didn't see the point in booking an appointment just to get my spots checked. What do you think? I have been getting these now for about 6 weeks, I changed my facial products to organic range but have now gone back to the pure range for spotty skin. I am nearly 30!!!!!

19-04-08, 20:25
Don't feel bad, i am 32 and still have chronic acne. Forehead, neck, jaw, cheeks....chest, back.....everywhere!

20-04-08, 09:20
Thanks for your replies.

I still have the raised gland and another has sprouted over night just under my right ear, big & sore too.

I have 2 ver nasty spots too just under my nose.

I think I have finally hit puberty, lol!

Would you just leave them and see how they go?

20-04-08, 09:38

Its so difficult still having spots, Im 40 this year and still suffer.

What i would say is go to your doctor and talk about it, its not a waste of an appointment.
I had the same thing as you, outbreak of spots and infection in the glands.
I went on antibiotics for a month and it cleared it, although I will say alot of my spot problems are due to stress believe it or not. Everytime I have a bad spell the spots are really bad.
Of course the monthly dosnt help either.

Let us know how you get on

Take care of you

20-04-08, 11:08
I have recently had a strange break out of spots on my face of various size and shapes. I have had them now for around 3 weeks, I don't know what is causing them as i normally have fairly clear skin with the hormonal spots. These spots seem to have made my whole face feel like sand paper even though it's normally fairly smooth. I have tried everything I can get my hands on to try and clear them up but nothing seems to be really working though.
Hope yours go soon cos mine are making me feel anxious so i know how you feel.

20-04-08, 11:11
Definately mention to the doctor all you have said and get him look at each one in turn. I usually get spots when im stressed about something (im 29) which appear the very next day.

Get the blood test done and go from there.

Personally i would stear clear of ANY make-up products unless you feel it absolutely necessary because as you know it suffocates the skin and allows "fatty" deposits to evolve.

See what doc says,


21-04-08, 19:42
Thanks, I am seeing him wednesday.

Hopefully I won't need antibiotics.

What blood test might he do?