View Full Version : Very close to a panic attack now!

19-04-08, 20:27
Please some one give me some hints on how to stop it..

I Hate my body. Why can't I just be normal

19-04-08, 20:36
hey ok do something to take mind off anything if not head between knees slow breathes hun close eyes relax

19-04-08, 20:37
My doctor (who is great lol) gave me a great tip when my breathing goes to pot - sit down and bend over your knees - this restricts your diaphram and therefore slows your oxygen intake - a great remedy for hyperventilation.

read this pickle wrote it for another thread may help u

19-04-08, 20:42
call someone

19-04-08, 20:57
calling someone is good or go into that chatroom slow deep breaths try to occupy your mind with something else.

19-04-08, 21:05
let us know how u doing hun xxx

19-04-08, 21:25
I find giving the panic attack permission to happen often stops it in its tracks! Lie back and say " go on then do your worse" let your body go floppy and give the panic permission to happen and let it wash over you......
Not being scared of it like this can really help.
Let me know if this is any use....thinking of you xxx

20-04-08, 12:59

Hope your feeling better now. Ive always found reading helps me when Im feeling panicky takes my mind off it. I started to buy magazines when I was really bad and I still read them now. Also I got a relaxation CD by Dr Hilary Jones (I think thats right the doctor off GMTV) I find it really good it helps me to sleep to.

Hope your ok
