View Full Version : bleeding (ladies help please)

miss diagnosis
20-04-08, 07:04
Im really freaked out
Last night was having sex and started bleeding afterwards. still bleeding this morning. I am due my period in a couple of days but im on the pil so its never early. This happened a while ago although it was only a speck of blood.
Now im really freaked out i have cervical cancer. my last smear was a year ago and i was told it was fine and to come back in 3 years. but what if they got it wrong? it happens all the time.I dont know what to do.its 7am and i should be having a lie on but I cant sleep with the worry

20-04-08, 09:42
There are lots of things that could be causing this but we automatically fear the worse, the best thing to do is see your doctor tommorrow so that he can put your mind at rest.
I am sure you would be getting other symptoms if it was anything serious.
Sorry i cant be more help i know its a worry when our bodies do things they shouldnt.
Take care

20-04-08, 11:29
The pill is not infallable (sorry im a guy but anyway)

I had sex with a partner maybe 6 months ago now and she bled a little after. she was on the pill also. Nothing came of it and she is fine. It is always worrying when we bleed from those areas for no apparent reason and as Helen above me said, go to the GP tomorrow and book an emergency apointment if they cant fit you in, if not just for peace of mind.

Not sure on the procedure of requesting a second pap-smear within a year of your last but im sure doc will answer that for you.

Do you take your pill everyday religously?

My step-sis doesnt and she comes on at different times because of it.

Try rule out the simple things first, trying my best not to be too intrusive here but you might already know the answer why.

See the doc tomorrow or if it worries you too much google NHS Direct and a trained nurse will talk with you either instantly or within 20 minutes to give peace of mind that way.

Best wishes,


20-04-08, 18:42
I just wanted to let you know i am on the pill and i sometimes do bleed after sex especially if it was a little rough or if iv'e not had it for a couple of weeks.
I normally find blood when i go for a wee after sex then the next time i have a wee it's not there anymore.
Might be worth asking your doc if your still bleeding the morning after you might just have a simple infection that could be cleared up easily.