View Full Version : Light Headed

29-03-05, 12:16
Afternoon all.

I’m at work at the moment, and feeling light-headed and kind of unreal. All too familiar, and the really b****y annoying thing is that it tends to last all day. *sigh*

I was just wondering – do other people tend to get this a lot (most) of the time, or does it tend to be more intermittent? Any tips for stopping it?

I’m aware of good breathing practice, so I’ve been working on that. I remember reading in some self help book that once you’ve ‘accepted’ the symptoms (i.e. you realise they can’t hurt you), you end up ignoring them and they stop. Has this worked for anyone? Any better suggestions gratefully received!

It’s really annoying when I’m out walking (I used to love going on big walks), but the scariest time it occurs is when I’m driving. Just occurred to me a couple of days ago – what if I pass out then? Not much evidence of this happening, I admit, but it scared me nonetheless. I rang up NHS Direct this morning just to check that, given that I’ve never fainted from anxiety before, it’s pretty unlikely I’m actually going to start now – they told me to go get a check up from my GP. Sigh. Think I’m becoming my doctor’s worst nightmare …

Thanks for all the ongoing support, by the way – it’s really, really good to talk to people going through the same thing :D


29-03-05, 12:48
HI Henry, sorry to hear you are feeling so bad today- tomorrow is another day!!!! Anyway, i do suffer when i am driving but i have never passed out and i have found that turning my radio up really loud and singin along helps me by taking my mind off it (people looking at me as if i am mad- but hey i am). Hope it helps, if ya need a chat, feel free to pm me or email


Laura xx
29-03-05, 14:49

I too have days when I feel really dizzy and when I am trying to pick my children up from school I have a job to keep my balance.

It really has got to be one of the worse symptoms. I am still trying to find a way to deal with it, but I do find having a sit down and a little read sometimes helps me?

Hope you are feeling better soon!

Laura xx

Laura xx
29-03-05, 14:52
Just another thought, I am finding a book by Claire Weekes called "Peace from Nervous Suffering" really helpful. It covers giddiness (and other symptoms) in a lot of detail.

It also follows the face, accept, float and let time pass treatment, which I think I am just grasping!

Just a thought xx

Laura xx

29-03-05, 14:58
hi Henry,

Yes, I do suffer from light headeness, not all the time and normally only for a little while at a time. It is true that once you learn to ignore the symptoms, they go away, though this is not immediate and it does take a while to get the hang of - I am in the middle of doing this myself..

Sarah :D

29-03-05, 15:17
Hi Henry,
Light-headed, dizzy, oh yes, and most of the time recently, and yes, i still get scared, even though i know deep down, that i will not faint. As mentioned, the best thing is to accept and flow through it, if only, i do try, but on days like today, don't feel i can fight it, not a very positive attitude, i know, but tommorow will be better, that's my positive statement for today. take care

29-03-05, 16:10
hi henry,

Dont you think the reason you get them when you drive is because at the back of your mind you know this is the worst time for you to be feeling like that.

I used to be like that at bed time i knew once i switched of the light i was going to panick, so i dreaded bed time every night it was a viscious circle in the end i stopped going to bed and slept on the sofa, [V] till my back would take it no- more.

take care xx

kairen x

29-03-05, 18:04

I used to get the dizziness all day every day and it seemed to go on for years and years. This was before I learnt what it was and then it gradually went.

Breathing will help and some exercise too.

Hope you feel better now!


30-03-05, 12:36
Yep, I think it’s a fear thing really – as long as I’m not worried about it it’s fine, but as soon as I get scared I can get very dizzy. One of the useful pieces of advice I got (think it was for someone I saw on ‘heart coherence’ or something) was “Remember – what are you rehearsing? Whatever you rehearse, you get good at.” Fairly obvious, I guess, but it made me think at the time. I’ll keep practicing not being scared :)

Laura, thanks for the recommendation! I’ve got a copy of Self Help for your Nerves by Claire Weekes – bought it just after the anxiety kicked off. Not actually convinced I read it all, so I’ll have another crack at it.

Anyway, I’ve had a good night’s sleep and a big lie in, so I’m actually feeling pretty chipper today :D

Cheers for all the advice!

A Happier Henry

30-03-05, 13:44
**as soon as I get scared I can get very dizzy**

Once it comes to your attention and you dwell on it - it then becomes a matter of choice whether you think scary thoughts and go down that route or tell yourself very firmly ad nauseum that you will be fine and busy yourself with something else.

Remember energy follow thought.
Think scared = being scared

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

30-03-05, 14:08
Hi Henry, When I first satrted suffering panic attacks and anxiety I used to get the dizzy and lightheaded feeling alot, I even started to avoid leaving the house because of it and became a hermit for about 8 months because everytime I use to step outside my front door that feeling would hit me and at the time I didn't know it was anxiety and used to think I would end up collapsing in the street. I am alot better now and don't let the anxiety stop me from going anywhere as I know what it is now.
Glad to hear you are feeling better today
Take care
Love Lisaxxx

31-03-05, 19:09
Hi Henry,
I know exactly how you are feeling,and I still get the awful cotton wool head and dizziness,sometimes a you described lasting all day.I too have never fainted,but it doesnt stop me feeling like I might at times.I was only asking for some reassurance regarding this very thing on the forum the other day.Check out the replys to my post under Panic attacks "fainting fear".There was some really good advice on there from some wise heads on this site.Helped me alot anyway.Good luck.xx

31-03-05, 19:10
Fainting fear...help? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2894)

31-03-05, 23:48
Hi Henry

Know exactly how you feel, it is sureal but then it is what is happening to us. I feel like i am on a different wave length then someone beams me back down, now wating to sound so out of it but that is how it feels hon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

12-04-05, 15:07
Ah, thanks for the info! (sorry for my late reply -- forgot to subscribe to the topic, so didn't notice anyone else had replied :()

Well I've convinced myself that I'm not going to pass out (my BP's fine, and from my brief experience with my beloved BP wrist monitor, it doesn't dip when I become anxious, so apparently there's no way I can pass out.)

I went for a big (3 hour!) walk a couple of days ago, became dizzy a few times, but this promptly stopped after I told myself I really wasn't going to pass out so 'relax'. Worked a treat :).

I did get pretty dizzy on a short walk yesterday, however, and paniced a bit, but I'm working hard on not beating myself up over any failures -- something I'm not very good at, sadly.

Anyway, on the whole guess I feel pretty good today :)

Take care,

12-06-05, 23:28
Hi, I get light headed right out of the blue.. feel dizzy. and it makes me want to run.. and get away from people fast.. I hate the feeling so i know where you are coming from.

20-04-06, 22:10

29-05-06, 19:35

I get this quite a lot, really you have just got to try and relax and not to worry about anything, which is very hard I know. Just try and focus on other things. Thats a good idea accepting the symptoms and saying they won't hurt you, that has helped me in some cases yes. Try not to worry.

x x

18-07-06, 20:04
i feel light headed. i feel like i am not real and like im not here kind of.
i have had it day after day for about 3 months now.
and it feels like i am forgeting stuff.
please help.

polly daydream
18-07-06, 20:39
Hi Mikey and welcome to the forum, it might be a good idea as you are new for you to introduce yourself in introductions hun, people will then welcome you properly.

Best wishes,


18-07-06, 21:16
i just wanted to ask a question but it doesnt matter.

18-07-06, 22:02
Hi - I also have a forum going at the moment about the same thing!

'Its the dizziness/waves of dizziness/lightheadedness/unsteadiness that dont ever leave!! even when I feel pretty good - they still are there! it makes me question time after time whether it is just anxiety i hate it!'

i believe its to do with the adrenaline release caused by anxiety. also tension in the neck and shoulders which can make even the slightest movement alter your balance.

heard it all but still struggle to believe!

at least we know other people suffer the same and its common in anxiety sufferers (that info doesnt always help tho!)

julie x

19-07-06, 19:44
does ****ing cause this?
and is ****ing bad?

19-07-06, 19:46
master bating sorry

19-07-06, 21:49
mikey - you've been doing a lot of stuff if its every day for the last 3 months mate!

if its making you feel bad - heres a tip - dont do it!

happy days to all

julie x

(good lord)

30-07-06, 07:06
Hi there,

Yes I seem to be getting them alot for the past 3 months, it almost feels like I am high or something (which I don't do any drugs at all) or like I am having a anxiety attack which I never use to get before and now it comes when it wants.. Does anyone else get this and if so how can I stop it.[V]

30-07-06, 07:10
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi there,

Yes I seem to be getting them alot for the past 3 months, it almost feels like I am high or something (which I don't do any drugs at all) or like I am having a anxiety attack which I never use to get before and now it comes when it wants.. Does anyone else get this and if so how can I stop it.[V]

<div align="right">Originally posted by just_Me - 30 July 2006 : 07:06:42</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Sometimes, it can start by something I eat, I know that sounds funny, but really I can eat something and like 2 min it starts.

27-05-09, 15:41
i donlt understand i have giddiness, lost of balance the whole day, hat i have to tip toe sometimes or stand with 1 leg, to balance, why is it happening, how can i stop that, what can ido to regain my balance, how to start, i read the book but i don[t undersntad, what she mean by accepting, face, float let it pass, how to do that, plse help me, at shoud i ddo , she say accept face float what is that?

27-05-09, 16:32
I too have suffered a lot with giddiness/loss of balance when I have had anxiety _ I am just getting over a 3 year episode of it now. Re Claire Weekes, what she means by Accepting the feelings is; Dont fight how you are feeling. Dont get cross with it or irritable. Just accept the feelings and dont question them. Just let them come. When she says Face, she means, by my way of thinking, dont let how you are feeling stop you doing anything. If you want to go for a coffee with a friend, do so. Just keep on doing as much as you are able and a bit more besides. If you Face something that is troubling you, the fear goes. By Floating she means, Relax and go gently forward. For example, imagine, if you are scared of going into a shop, that you are floating in on a magic carpet or a cloud or something. The very idea of floating is a relaxing one so try and relax and go with a nice picture in your mind and keep positive too without fighting how you are feeling. And by Letting more time pass by, she just means give it more time - Dont put a time on your recovery - just take it a day at a time. I know this is easier said than done, but with practice you can do it.

Hope this helps

28-05-09, 02:43
thanks, i hope we all be okay soon. id on't know how but i try. to face it, i always complain and angry why this happening to me and make mee feel so low down i can't even talk to my parents, they like to talk to me, cos of my problems that i am facing them, ialways try to avoid talking to them, i feel so angry iritated, all i want to do is sleep, rest and be alone.

27-03-12, 17:37
i believe its to do with the adrenaline release caused by anxiety. also tension in the neck and shoulders which can make even the slightest movement alter your balance.

Yeah I've been feeling very light headed all the time, and with episodes of intense feeling like I'm going to faint, just coming out of the blue every now and then. Went to my GP the other day and she sent me for a blood test, but I have had these before and they are fine so I'm not hopeful. I know the most likely cause is anxiety, and I know for a fact I have suffered with panic attacks and some forms of constant anxiety. It is hard to overcome though. Most illness your body overcomes naturally without you thinking about it, anxiety you have to overcome with your own mind which makes it a lot harder. I know it's possible though and we can do it.

That sentence made me happy though because whenever I check, I realise my neck and shoulder muscles are so tense it hurts momentarily to relax them down as they've been tensed up hunch for long!