View Full Version : not coping

20-04-08, 11:53
i feel so awful at the moment i just want to scream! nothing seems to be going right, i feel like crying all the time and all around me are suffering because of how i feel. i cant get motivated to do anything. i start to do something and then just stop, i feel im losing it big time and i dont know where to turn. work is very stressful at moment but im also finding homelife difficult to cope with.
i would love some advice on what i could do to stop me feeling so bad

20-04-08, 11:57
Personally i would take a paid holiday from work (if possible from days acrued). Cry it out, i find that hard to do here as the house is overcrowded so there is not much personal space. Crying relases tension which can only be a good thing and will relieve the feeling of keeping those feelings inside.

Is it possible for you to lie down and stop doing the daily routine?

Do you have people who can help do things for you while you get some R&R?

Listen to classical music, watch a comedy movie or a film close to your heart that wont upset you further. Take a short walk if possible or sit in silence. whatever works for you, thats what you need right now.


20-04-08, 12:10
hi and thanks but the nature of my job i cant take leave other than school holidays, i work with children with behaviour problems and they need me. thanks for the advice tho and yes i will take some time to myslef, im gonna watch a dvd on my tv in bedroom just to get some time for me
thanx again

20-04-08, 12:20
hiya im sorry you feel like this, i would definately say from experience the only way to feel better is to get rid of negatives which means changing your situation if need be whether it be todo with home or work. there have been points in my life where i have moved away from people or out of the house, changed job or even moved area. also to help anxiety and depression u need support but u have to do it yourself too, make positvie changes. i walk every day and exercise, i also keep very busy. the exercise first made me tired but after a few weeks made me motivated, happy positve, lose a stone in weight and also helped me too overcome most of my anxietys and my depression. i still get my moments but nothing as bad as it was. i hope this was of some help to u xxx

20-04-08, 12:28
Thanx donna
yes it was, i am actually seriously considering changing jobs because the job i do now is very stressful and obviously beginning to impact on my life. i know deep down i need to make changes in my life but at the moment i dont feel i have the energy, so maybe walking will help. i get plenty exercise at work but tend to do as little as possible when i get home. i feel like im at the beginning of a very long road but i know its upto me to make the first step.

20-04-08, 13:12
Hi Lozzer

im sorry your feeling like this, you say your starting on a very long road, yes you may be but its a bloody hard road and sometimes we cant motivate ourselves to carry on that journey. its not easy.

Yes they say it has to come from us to begin the changes to a better life , I think thats the hardest bit, where do you start especially if you have no energy in the first place.
I take myself on long walks and pound it out get it out my system or cycle if you can.
whats the issues at home, can they be resolved by talking?

if your job gives you pleasure is it really the job you need to change, surely if you were better you would enjoy the job.

I dont know if Im saying the right things to you, hope Ive of some help.
Take care of you

20-04-08, 13:20
hi there im pleased you seen positve and it is a long roads but bit by bit things will get better, like smudgie i walk loads every day i recommend a half hour walk a day anywhere and really go for it walk at a good pace so you can feel it working you. when you get home you will feel tired in need of a cuppa haha but you will feel better walk through any anger you have walking fast it always helps me. also its hard changing jobs or going for a different career but sometimes its needed same with homelife and family mine are 100 miles away now i see them but not alot it suits me otherwise there woulds be arguements, its just me my partner and 3 kids. im glad you are positive. i found too after walking loads for a around a month i felt i had loads more energy and fired me up to deal with everything else too. you will get there in the end hugs xxxx ps i walk everywhere now supermarket town i walk never drive and i love it now

20-04-08, 14:15
i am so glad i was introduced to this board, its good to know that there are people willing to take the time to help even when they have their own problems to deal with. after i posted earlier i decided to go and tidy rooms upstairs and hey it worked wonders, i feel a little better now, less anxious than i did. maybe it was something to do with thumping the pillows. i just want to say thanx to u all for your support and i know now that i have somewhere to go now when feeling low, and hopefully ill be able to help others too.
i hate driving but i need my car for work, my job is a long way from where i live! but i do leave car parked up at weekend and take the bus,but as u suggest, next time im going to walk as far as i can hopefully all the way into town plus itll help me get fit and save me money.

20-04-08, 16:39
hiya im really pleased you are alittle happier and positive, life is what we make of it and even when we feel totally crap we can pull ourselves out and carry on alittle happier. mayb even if u have an ipod put that on and walk like i do. welldone you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

20-04-08, 16:40
hi Lorainne
please feel free to pm me anytime im also on msn if you ever need to chat xx

21-04-08, 03:55
i feel a little better now, less anxious than i did. maybe it was something to do with thumping the pillows.

Thumping pillows is a great therapy because it helps to relieve anger, tension and frustration without causing any harm. It's good exercise too so it eases anxiety symptoms because it helps us to forget them so we don't feel so ill because we're not dwelling on them.

Being under too much stress both at home and at work is a dangerous combination because you're not having any relaxation time. This can lead to burn out and your anxiety could take control of your life.

What you've been experiencing is a warning to say you're close to your limit so be very careful how much more stress you allow on your shoulders.

I'm only saying this because of my own experiences when overload made me very ill.

If you can't ease your stresses in your admirable job then try to find ways to ease pressures at home. Ask your partner to help you out for a while with chores so you have time to chill out and "relax" and don't be afraid to ask them!

Also as the others have suggested, take up a hobby you enjoy. It'll help you to switch off from your stresses so keep worries under control.

You'll be fine just as long as you take heed of the warning signs that you're under too much stress.:hugs:

22-04-08, 20:03
hi and thanks again for ur replies, i am feeling a little more positive today, had a meeting with boss and was able to tell her how im feeling. she was more supportive than i thought she could ever be. i went for a walk yesterday and although i was shattered i did feel proud of myself and what id achieved.

22-04-08, 20:22
:yesyes: u go girl welldone, you should be proud of yourself,
with the walking you will be knackered for a while until body gets used to it but keep it up in a few weeks you will feel like a new person, i am so pleased. you boss seems very nice too:bighug1: :bighug1: :hugs:

24-04-08, 10:09

Just sending you a bunch of flowers :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Keep posting and talk it out
Here for you

25-04-08, 18:56
Hi Lozzer48

You have just described exactly how i feel to a 'T'.

I have been like this for over a week now, i did try and cut down on my meds and that could be the cause.

My way of dealing with this is to remember that i have been through it before and that i did get through it. This does not make anyting easier and like you i have a lot of stress at work, i have a furniture shop and have to go about my daily duties feeling like this.

But you know something Lozzer we are going to get through it, we have not got this far to let something like this drag us down.

so lets promise each other that together we are going to beat this ok.

To a better day tomorrow.

pompey x

I know this wont help