View Full Version : red eye

20-04-08, 12:24
Hiya folks

Ok, i went to a party next door last night, i'm soooo not used to partying this weather. Needless to say, i ended up home quite early and was sick as a parrott in the kitchen bin :blush:.

Anyway, woke up earlier with a mega hangover and a RED EYE. Very bloodshot. My mate Mo said i prob just popped a blood vessell when i was being sick, but my health anxiety working overtime. :wacko:

Any ideas? p.s i can still see throught it fine!!

Love Lisa

20-04-08, 12:35
i agree with your mate hun, or a bit of you sick splattered back into your eye!!(ucch sorry) has happened to me tho!! dont worry nothing nasty can happen to your eye overnte hun!! xx

20-04-08, 12:39
Cheers bexy....grrrrrr bloomin health anx lol

20-04-08, 12:40
((((((((Blondy))))))))))) lass where was my invite?

Don't worry you, I have had that a few times, it looks like your eye is totally red and something serious is going down, but it's harmless and you feel no pain and vision is ok.

It usually goes in a couple of days so DON'T worry.

Jaco xx

20-04-08, 12:45
Thanks jaco mate xxxxx

Honest i did send you an invite. :winks:


20-04-08, 13:04
HI Lisa
Awww I have had this loads of times. I even asked my optician about it and he just said some people are more prone to bloodshot eyes but it is nothing to worry about!!
One day a few years ago(before i was totally freaked out about my health but i was still wayyyyyyy OTT!!!) i woke up with my right eye totally bloodshot as if someone had hit me in the eye. I went straight down to the docs and he told me what they called it(some funny name), said not to worry and it would go in its own good time. Took about 2 weeks to clear completely but it was fine!!
So you have nothing to worry about!!! You will have just broken a blood vessel!!
Hope otherwise you are keeping ok!!!

20-04-08, 13:08
thanks Jelly babes!! it's my own fault for getting so bleedin drunk and sick :blush: lol

20-04-08, 14:36
If its there tomorrow try some eye drops from the chemist,

Could be a blood vessel which will fix itself or as someone else mentioned maybe some stomache acid hit your eye.


20-04-08, 15:49
Hi con

Thanks hun!! i also had mascara on last night for the first time in about 8 months (hate the stuff) and i know it can go off, so maybe could be that!! hay hoooo!! just have to wait on it going.

Love Lisa

miss diagnosis
20-04-08, 17:16
i always have bloodshot eyes when im hungover! dont worry

20-04-08, 17:36
thanks miss xxxxx

20-04-08, 18:10
hiya lisa mate :hugs:

i am sure your mate is right probs the preasure if being sick that has done it

hey hope you had a good night tho :winks:

jodie xxx

20-04-08, 18:26
cheers hun! it was a brilliant night hun!!!


20-04-08, 18:35
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: Lisa

That will teach you to be a pisshead:D

Remember the song by The Beautiful South.......Ol Red Eyes is back:whistles:

It was the booze my dear:)

Have a big:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

20-04-08, 18:41
Hey Lisa :hugs:

I've had that before after puking a lot. I think it's just the force of being sick that pops a blood vessel! (Nice)

It should clear up within a few days

xxx :flowers:

20-04-08, 19:15
LMFAO Kazz!! ffsk that made me laugh!!! xxxxx

Cheers Swanny me darlin xxxxx

It's coz i'm ALWAYS so good and NEVER get drunk that it happened ye understand!! :winks: shutit!!! lol

cheers me darlins xxxxxxxxxxxxxx