View Full Version : A freaky story !!

20-04-08, 13:00
Just a short feaky story but a true one !!

I was in A&E yesterday in the early hours it was very quiet. I had been lying there for an hour with the door closed when the nurse said would I like the door opening so I said "yes please", I do like to be nosey ! A few minutes later 2 ambulance men stopped outside my door with an old lady on the trolley, they placed her near my door, but with her facing away from me, he explained some of the symptoms to the nurse and said her name was Lilian Evans.

After a few minutes she was put into the room next to mine.

A nurse arrived to do some tests and stopped by my door to chat to another nurse and said "aw that lady old lady in there is so little she is asking for her false teeth but I dont think she came in with any in !!"

The freaky bit is, I was 18 when my very precious nana died at the age of 87, she was called Lilian Evans and was only 4 ft 8 tall and everyone called her 'little nana', and we used to laugh at her false teeth in a jar ! Why when A&E was emptly had they chose the room next to mine ??

I thought I was then having a wierd dream and actually pinched myself to make sure I was awake.

I have a really strange feeling that it was meant to be and a sign that my precious nana is still looking out for me !!

Christine xx :flowers:

20-04-08, 13:10
Wow that is either a coincidence or maybe your Nana giving you some reassurance :) .

Tell me, sorry for being nosey, was it a panic attack that led you to A&E?

As you read on my post I think, I had a hell of an attack early this morning, and when I started to feel numbness and shooting pains down my left arm (phantom pains no doubt) I almost woke my wife up to take me to A&E.


20-04-08, 13:49
Hi jaco, not a panic attack as in 'I cant breathe and am going to die' but a panic attack as in 'I am sure I have cancer and it has spread to my lungs and if I dont get an x-ray NOW they may not be able to make me better !!' I can usually sort it out in my head but I just 'lost it'.

Love the house story and the piano how wierd, I do believe things do happen though for a reason.

Christine xx :flowers: