View Full Version : Controlling a panic attack!

20-04-08, 17:10
I'm Jo..I just wanted to ask for some advice on how to contol a panic attack they seem to be getting worse at the moment especially at work and walking round a shop!!.I never mentioned anything at work today and the only time it went was when I left the building to come home!!.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Take care xx

20-04-08, 17:19
I sometimes pretend im breathing through a straw or I try to distract myself. Doesnt always work tho.:blush:

20-04-08, 17:41
hi jo its donna, is it mayb something about yr work u dont like or is it just because u not at home hun? if its job mayb u need change but if not then all i can say is keep busy when it happens and try being with people chatting, just anything to try take mind off it, hope u ok will chat to u later hopefully hugs xxx

20-04-08, 18:10
Your not alone here,

have a look at this section of the forum,



20-04-08, 20:28
hi jo

i sometimes feel like i will have an attack in a middle of a class

so i start breathing in and out , in and out

and try my best to focus on the teacher or distract my self by making circles of my hair ,,

for you... playing with a pen , just pressing on it so many times might take off some of the tense

21-04-08, 16:46
hiya all
thankyou so much for your posts appreciate your advice.
jo xx

21-04-08, 22:36
I get panic attacks alot at work and also in shops. I understand how hard it is to try to control them especially at work. I've read alot about it and that has helped me to understand why my body reacts the way it does when I'm panicking. The best thing to do is to try and ride it out and tell yourself that panic attacks are completely harmless it is just your body reacting to a feeling of threats which don't exist....then the fight or flight response kicks in along with all those bodily reactions that then scare us even more. You have to try to break the cycle by staying put and saying to yourself I know what this is, I've had it before and it didn't hurt me. It will calm down by itself but you may be a bit shakey for a while, that's just your body reacting to an excess of adrenaline.
Look on this site and see if you can get some books from your library, it really helps to know what's going on.
Take care and give yourself a pat on back for not leaving work early.

21-04-08, 22:45
Hi Jo... i agree with all of above....especially Andy...this is the only way to really counteract an attack...its hard but just reminding ourselves that it is not gonna harm us and that it is just a physical reaction to our fears is definitely the way to go ..and also the reply about being busy....my friend told me that activity is the enemy of anxiety... the more we focus on something else, the more we busy ourselves.. the quicker the attack will pass... honestly it works and once we realise that we can control the panic/anx, we have the power...:yesyes:
thats what i love about this site, advice comes from people who have been there and found a way out..
We can beat anxiety, its a bully and by definition weak... we have the power, all we need to do is believe that we have...:D
Take Care

22-04-08, 07:59
I also agree with what's been said about riding it out and that you won't have a heart attack or die. I had a panic attack in Lidl's recently. It was building up before I got there. I felt awful with all the symptoms I get; hyperventilating, thought I'd faint, light headed etc etc. I pushed back a box of bananas and sat down with my head forward to my knees. I put my hand over my mouth (no paper bag) and just breathed slowly and kept telling myself it would be ok. I was vaguely aware of other people but to be honest I was so busy concentrating on regulating my breathing (takes practice) that they didn't bother me. When I was ready I got up slowly. A member of staff came over and asked if I'd like to go to their canteen but I just sat it out. It did pass.