View Full Version : Please Help I Feel So Detatched

20-04-08, 17:22
Does anyone have any advice for me, I feel so detatched that sometimes I think I can't move or speak or do anything. I really feel that my mind is not in synch with my body and it feels like my body belongs to someone else.

It absolutely petrifies me as I am scared that I am so detached from myself that I will never be able to find my way back again. It makes me feel like giving up.

I feel like nothing is real niether especially that I am not real and in a dream like state. The only break i get is when I am sleeping or kind of half a sleep when I can control my thoughts abit but I am not awake, this all feels far more real to me. I went to bed at about 3am last night and did not get up till 4.30pm today. I had woken up from time to time but because I am more settled when asleep or dozing in and out of sleep I wanted to stay in bed.

I can't stay in bed all my life but at the same time I know that I can't function with this detatchement from real life. Its like being on autopilot when I do anything, for example I will walk but I don't know how I did and it feels like its not me walking.

My doctor has prescribed Ciprimil which I might start taking tomorrow. DO you think it will help? I am scared it may make it worse and I really couldn't cope with that.

I just wish I could wake up.

20-04-08, 17:34
Depersonalisation, i get this alot with my anxiety.

Hun if you are getting it alot then i would defo suggest that you start taking the meds and see if it helps. Don't worry, it's nothing serious, just another symptom of anxiety and quite a common one it seems!!

Let us know how you get on

love Lisa

20-04-08, 18:35
Hi, I get this a lot, infact it has been with me all day today, there again I am quite anxious at the moment and I also notice it effects me more when I am over-tired. My best advice would be to ignore it, hard to do I know but it really does fade into the background if you do, as you said you do function normally even with it there.

It is the one symptom that scares me the most, as well as dizziness, but I can assure you it is just anxiety and will fade in time.

I cannot comment on the meds because I dont take any, but that is purely my choice, I have done in the past but decided to 'go it alone', as I am quite badly affected by side-effects.

Hope that has been helpful for you, it is very common and is known as derealisation/depersonalisation, if you want to look it up I know there are other posts on here about it.

Christine xx :flowers:

20-04-08, 23:46

I know how u feel. I have had this nearly all day today, its one of my worse anxiety symptoms.

I took cipramil and it worked for me, although my anxiety is worse lately so may need to increase my dose.

love mandie x

21-04-08, 02:58
Hey all,

I haven't posted for awhile. I have heard a lot about this "detached" feeling and wondered if I have experienced this. Has anyone ever felt that way when driving down the road. Today, I went to town and was feeling really tired. Anyway, I started feeling really strange. Almost, like "where am I? this road seems unfamiliar (I drive it almost daily) and I had weird thoughts like "am I driving on the right side of the road"? Does this make since to anyone? I told myself, "you are okay, everything's fine" I made it home alright, it was just really weird. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Thanks for any input


21-04-08, 03:01
The only break i get is..........when I can control my thoughts abit. I went to bed at about 3am last night and did not get up till 4.30pm today. I wanted to stay in bed. I can't stay in bed all my life.

The more we retreat to our bed, the more time we give to our minds to think, the more our worrying thoughts control us, the more anxious we feel, the more we don't feel capable of getting up!

Going to bed at 3am is also too late as I do this too often myself and often too much sleep can makes us feel ill just as too little sleep can also.

You need to get into a routine of tiring yourself out or learning how to relax before you go to bed then getting up at a regular time so that you don't lay and dwell on thoughts. A before bed ritual together with a regular sleeping pattern can help alot.:hugs:

Your pattern is allowing anxiety to control you rather than you taking control of your thoughts which cause your anxiety.

As Mandie says.....I have had this nearly all day today, its one of my worse anxiety symptoms....................although my anxiety is worse lately

I always feel it's an indication of severe anxiety symptoms. They often seem to start when we feel at our worst. My unreal stage was when people appeared "alien" and I felt I couldn't "feel" my body.

However, as Christine says.......My best advice would be to ignore it, hard to do I know but it really does fade into the background if you do but at the moment your daily pattern is allowing time to dwell on your worrying thoughts and so keeping your anxiety alive making you feel much worse because you're keeping it in the foreground 24 hours a day.:hugs:

21-04-08, 09:07
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_33_21.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm860YYGB) http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_24.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm860YYGB) hi i also get this feeling detatched and ureality as tho i in a bubble or sumit doc said it was depersonlisation it petrified me i no how you feel it dos go in time .i had to go on meds antidepresants which helped alot i real feel for you its awful please try not to worry i no its hard not to esy said than don it was worse symtom of anxiety dos get better in time tc xx

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