View Full Version : I Don't understand

20-04-08, 17:59
Yesterday I was feeling really pleased with myself, I just got through a week were my wife was working almost full time without any major panic or anxiety and last night went to the Theatre with one of my grandsons for the first time since I've been ill ,felt a bit strange at first, sitting amongst a crowd was a bit overwelming and looking down from the upper circle made me feel a bit woozy but I soon settled down and enjoyed the show.
This morning I woke up really shaky,tense,panicky and racy,the adrenaline was pumping again,it took a couple of hours to settle.
Why ?
After doing so well what made me revert back again this morning? was it a sort of rebound thing or what ?
This afternoon was good again, we drove to the coast and sat looking out over the sea,quite calm and relaxed.
Anxiety and tension are strange beasts, I guess they never really go away.

20-04-08, 18:08
Agreed Decca for me personally mine seem to change and variate as and when they choose, on a positive note your outbound and that can only be a good thing.

Maybe you had a dream you couldnt remember?

Other than that i always put it down to the subconscience, if you find a way to beat the subconscience let me know please :(

Best of luck and at least you recognise anxiety in its different forms.


20-04-08, 19:20
Hi decca

That's the nature of the beast. I think everyone has anxious moments but for some of us we have learnt to really tune into them and therefore they make us more anxious and panicky. The fact that you recognized it and took action ie relaxed is a huge step. The more you can do this the less notice you will eventually take of those anxious moments and then you will be able to just get on as usual. Well done

21-04-08, 03:39
I just got through a week were my wife was working almost full time without any major panic or anxiety

went to the Theatre with one of my grandsons for the first time since I've been ill.............sitting amongst a crowd was a bit overwelming

I woke up really shaky,tense,panicky and racy,the adrenaline was pumping again

This afternoon was good again, we drove to the coast and sat looking out over the sea,quite calm and relaxed.

Above I've broken up what you said to try and show the steps that occurred.

You had a week "alone" while your wife was out working. You then went to the theatre in a "crowd" which was "stressful" because it brought back the feelings of being "trapped".

Stress causes a feeling of a need to escape but when you were alone you felt "free" so not under stress.

The adrenalin started pumping again which then takes time to subside. No doubt during your sleep you re-lived your feelings of being trapped in the theatre which then made you wake up feeling panicky.

Once your conscious mind realised you were no longer trapped in the theatre, you began to relax again and going to the coast was perfect relaxation therapy!

You may find that when you put yourself in stressful situations, your anxiety symptoms will surface but this is normal until the stresses in your mind that originally caused your anxiety are treated through therapy rather like overcoming a traumatic experience.

21-04-08, 10:36
Thanks all,
The thing I'm holding on to is the major achievements which showed steps forward.
1- spending a week alone while my wife was working without any major problems - I suffer from separation anxiety and previously being alone was a nightmare.
2 - I commited myself to taking my grandson to the theatre 2 weeks in advance - I'd never been able to do that before for fear of being ill or chickening out and letting people down and the fear of being ill in front of my kids.
3 - Going to the theatre and staying the course - I can't normally stand crowds and lots of noise and it was a very noisy,the show was High school musical so it was full of screeming kids with lots of screechy music.
4 - Since my GAD started I suffer from vertigo and to start with I didn't feel comfortable looking down at the stage from "the gods".
I think the bit that's feaking me at the moment and might have caused a bit of panic is -
I feel that all these acheivements are largely due to taking Diazepam - before starting this I could hardly get out of the house -I only take one 2 mg tablet each morning and have been taking it for about 7 weeks now ,but according to some sources and other website forums ( I expect you can guess where ) I will soon build up a tolerance and the beneficial effects will ware off and should be thinking of tapering the drug off.
This is freaking me out a bit and fear suffering withdrawal symptoms and having my original symptoms returning at the same time.