View Full Version : please help im scared

20-04-08, 18:55

Yesterday i had a panic attack at the supermarket.

Today when i woke up, first thing on my mind was will i have another attack today.

Sure enough within the hour i started to get anxious, lightheaded, scared ect. I managed to control it without it going into full scale attack.

I was ok for few hours. Went out to another supermarket, couldnt face the one i had the attack in yesterday. I was fine, then i went to my mums for dinner.

While sitting having dinner, i could feel the panic starting. My dads was talking but his voice seemed so loud. I felt like i wasnt there, its hard to explain. I just needed to get out.

I cant understand why i am panicky around my family.

I went back on citalopram in January, having being on them several times before, but they just dont seem to be working for me this time.

Im scared that if i cant even be with my family without panicking, then Im gonna end up not wanting to leave the house at all.

I so scared and fed up. I have had anxiety for a few years now, but have only started getting these panick attacks really in the past few months.

I want to get back to the person i was before, not this person who seems to be frightened of everything, and panicks for no reason.

Its the lightheaded and feeling not here that scares me the most.:weep:

Thanks for listening

love mandie x

20-04-08, 19:02
I can totally relate to your posting i went back on med's on january and i dont really feel they are working this time, have you discussed with your doctor to maybe rise the dose? I also panic around my children (the two people in the whole i love the most) because i feel they need so much from me and i cant always deliver especially when im very anxious, i feel so ashamed that i panic round my family! Probably this posting wont help you v much as im so in the same boat as you, but i just wanted you to know you arent alone, theres lots of us out here who feel the same. The only thing i can say is that i do have good days and you will too, its worth it just for those!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Charlie x x x

20-04-08, 19:44
Thank you Charlie for you post.

It has helped because i no im not alone in this. I feel like im going mad, i feel stupid for being panicky around my family. I dont understand why i am feeling like this.

Im am seeing my doctors this week so will ask him what to do. Maybe its the meds making me like this, i no they have lots of side effects.

Take care and thank you

love mandie :hugs:

20-04-08, 20:17
hi mandie

i get scared too, and i always feel ashamed of my panic attacks ,

i know it makes you look so stupid and weak but we are so unlike this

it's just over bodies playing tricks on us

i wish you the best :yesyes:

and remember one day it shall be over , and we will be back to whom we used to be :noangel:

pray for that:hugs:

20-04-08, 21:25
Thank you panic sufferer for your words

I really hope we all beat this horrible anxiety

love mandie x

20-04-08, 22:27
It is weird I know exactely what you mean but what I mean by it is weird is that I love my family more then anything in the whole wide world but yet when my anxiety level is higher then normal I cant be around them . . . . It is strange but just like you it seems all to unreal and hectic and loud and I cant cope with it and I feel I have to just get out of the room. I need them more then anything in the world I mean if I didnt have them I wouldnt have anyone as I have lost all my friends due to anxiety panic and agoraphobia.

I am thinking of you and I also know what you are going through

Love nooeyxx

21-04-08, 08:13
Hi Nooey

Sorry to hear what yr going through, but its good to no im not alone in this.

I get so scared of feeling like this, i just make myself worse

love mandie x

21-04-08, 08:23
we've got to think positively ,,

but how is that :blush:

does someone know how to think postively while in panic ?
i don't feel myself then .. lol ..

do you have any idea mandie??

21-04-08, 09:25

Have no idea, when im panicking all thats on my mind is fear :(

mandie x

21-04-08, 10:23
Hi there.
It's your fear that feeds the attacks and makes it worse.
Try to hold onto the thought that you've had this before. Nothing bad happened then and nothing is going to happen now. It will pass like the others did.
Distract yourself as it happens - concentrate hard on a packet in the supermarket or on another person. Try not to think about how you feel. Hard, but it helps!