View Full Version : ladies help please

jackie l
20-04-08, 21:02
:) hiya, this is to any ladies out there who can possibly help me! my gp thinks that my anxiety attacks could be due to the menopause.:doh: all ive been told is that things will subside! i have cut all my caffine out,i havent had a drink since before last nov,and i stopped smoking 3 weeks ago.things have improved but i still have scarey moments. can anyone throw any light on any more info pleassssssssssse thanks hugs to all :hugs: jackiexxxxx:yesyes:

20-04-08, 21:20
Hi Jackie,

I remember what my mum was like when she went through the menopause. Her anxiety went through the roof! I do know that hormones can play havock with anxiety, hence we get very anxious when having a period.

Didn't your doc recommend HRT, or something similar? i've heard a few folk saying it was a god send to them.

Soz i can help much but i really do sympathise!!

take care

Love Lisa

jackie l
20-04-08, 21:41
hiya lisa:winks: thanks for taking the time to answer me. doc wont even entertain that idea about hrt, as he put it "we wont even go down that road" so that sunk that boat!:mad: but i am on propranolol 40mg 3x daily and its helping :yesyes: take care jackiexxxx:hugs:

20-04-08, 22:06
Hi Jackie

I'm at that age too. 52. my anxiety is definately much worse since things started altering. I don't want to try hrt as it causes its own probs. Strangely I've found that I get really agitated around the time I'm due on and then even if I don't come on the symptoms are all still there. I used to get hot flushes when this all started a few years ago but they have subsided thank god but the anxiety is definately worse.

I don't think there is a lot to be done about it although lots of people swear by evening primrose and other stuff. If yu don't mind taking something maybe you could ask in your local health shop they are usually really good for this sort of thing.

jackie l
20-04-08, 22:45
hiya sheba, thanks for posting me a answer.:) i am 48 and have been having the pre-doings for about 5 years now,i have had the flushes they have subsided (i hope) last one i had was about amonth ago.iam on propanolol and the meds i think are just about keeping it at the door most days:wacko: .but i just want to get back to my normal self again:hugs: take care jackiexxxxx:yesyes:

20-04-08, 23:28
Hi Jackie hun

OMG why won't your doc consider HRT? is he male? lol

Sweety this is YOU it's happening to, it's YOUR body and YOUR mind....if you want to try HRT then to tell your doc so!! If then, he still refuses then i seriously would consider changing GP's.

These medications are there for a reason, your reason and to refuse you this is insane! Grrrrrr

love Lisa

21-04-08, 10:03
I have been going through this for a couple of years now and my anxiety has definately been worse, i read some info about the menopause and alot of the symptoms are the same as anxiety so its difficult to know what is causing them.
For me the worse thing is the hot flushes and lightheadedness as its make me panic as i think there is something wrong with me.
Its bad enough suffering from anxiety disorder but with this on top it makes its twice as bad.
Take care