View Full Version : Gary 42 Kent

20-04-08, 23:02
hi i'm gary suffering depression really badly as i have just lost my soulmate as she dumped me 5wks ago i did overdose n jump in front of a van straight away but that didn't work just ended up in hospital as well as losing my soulsmate meant losing a holiday which she was getting me for my birthday
as i cant afford a holiday and wont for a long lime with the money i own out i have health issues with lower back n knee i also feel ugly and a little overweight dont help they call you shrek at work although been off ever since i now cant stop crying and thinking of all i've lost n dont have

20-04-08, 23:22

Huge hugs to you hun!!

Please don't put yourself down or aunty Lisa will have to kick yer bum!!
I know things may seem really bad for you at the moment and i have been there, trust me! but you WILL get over this and move on to better things.

Please just give yourself time to re adjust and take stalk.

You will get lots of support here and i bet you make lots of lovely friends too!

WELCOME to NMP mate!!

Love Lisa

20-04-08, 23:28
Hi Gary

:hugs: welcome to the site where u will find lots of support.

love mandie

21-04-08, 00:17
hi gary, welcome :) people here are all very nice :) you will get lots of support, and remember you are not alone :)

21-04-08, 00:42
Hello Gary And Welcome......i Wish Ya Well.........linda

21-04-08, 07:37
Hi Gary

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

21-04-08, 08:31
hiya gary :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . you will get lots of support/advice amd make some great friends along the way who will make you feel better about yourself and they way things are for you at the moment. hope to talk to you in chat some time.
best wishes
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

21-04-08, 09:14
Hi Gary :welcome: to NMP. Sorry to hear you have been thru such a rough time, hopefully we can all help you to feel better. You will get loads of support here and make some really good friends.

Take care hun.


21-04-08, 09:33
hi and a big warm welcome.

love sandyjanexxx

21-04-08, 19:31
Hi Gary

Sorry to hear all of this.

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and lovely to see you here.

21-04-08, 19:58
Hi Gary,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

22-04-08, 09:48
Hello Gary, and welcome to NMP.

You will find lots of useful advice on here and meet lots of people who truly understand how you feel.


22-04-08, 17:39

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

22-04-08, 21:25
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :smile: