View Full Version : always aware of my heart

21-04-08, 04:57
im 22 i have had anxiety/panic attacks for 2 yrs on and off it went away for a year but now it has came back but its alittle different than before now im constantly having my hand on my chest thinking that my heart will stop..i have done all the heart tests 1 yr ago they say its normal but i dont feel like it is my heart has been beating weird and different.:confused: my fiance is tired of seeing my hand on my chest, lol

does anyone else have this problem?? if so plz share:unsure:


21-04-08, 14:31
i have this problem also , my hand always on chest checking pulse it feels funny 24 hours a day,missed beats etc racing , breathlessness your def not alone it is a sure sign of aniety its horrible but it wont harm us

Rachey poos
21-04-08, 15:27
yeah I get the lot too..... i always feel as if my heart is stopping when i am walking....horrid feelin xxx I get the flutters and missed beats and extra beats and out of sync...... all anxiety...you can't believe it can u xxxx

21-04-08, 21:01

me too, I am always on this sight reading peoples problems with heart racing and missing beats. Its a horrible sensation and sometimes its so real as if something bad is going to happen. I have to try and stop feeling my pulse and thinking about it, but its hard and I find this sight is brilliant for reassurance.
I often talk to my hubby and he doesn't understand and see how worried I get.
Good we can be here for one another xx

21-04-08, 21:10
Same, really sucks when it happens at work .. totally drains me sometimes.

Rachey poos
21-04-08, 21:23
do you get it where it goes all wonky and out of sync for a while whilst adrenaline is flowing ? I hate that

21-04-08, 23:45
oh, god i know what you mean!

im forever checking my pulse, even though i've never had a palpitation or skipped heart beat that i've noticed, i know i have sinus arrhythmia (where the heart beat slows down when you exhale and speeds back up when you inhale) but apparently this is completely normal, the doctor said i was fine too. But sometimes i just feel faint and tingly, chest pains and shortness of breathe for no apparent reason, it's really horrible.

22-04-08, 01:00
thanks everyone for your replies.
i hope we will all overcome this sooner than later:flowers:
