View Full Version : Interview

21-04-08, 07:56
Hi all,

I have an interview this morning at 10am for North Staffs Users Group which aims to improve services for people with mental health problems.

I am SO nervous, I think its because I actually think this job would be a good stepping stone in me wanting to work in mental health :)

I have just got so many butterflies in my stomach, I dont know what they are going to ask me. I think there may be group activities so I'm not looking forward to those in case I dont get a word in edge ways like my previous interview :blush:

I re-read the job specification and personal specification last night and I have most of the requirements they are looking for which made me feel better.

We have some tests today too on the computer just to test our skills and I am woried I will balls them up :scared15:

Could peeps just send me some good vibes please, I need as many as I can get :roflmao:

Thank you! :blush:

Jo xxxxx

21-04-08, 08:16
hey lili ,

i wish you the best of luck :D

and i want you to be confident and have good trust in yourself
you have most of the requirements , so you are strong ^_^ :shades:

don't hesitate , and i'm gonna pray for you and me :hugs:

21-04-08, 09:07
Good luck Jo - you meet the spec and hopefully will get the job. Let us know how you get on.

21-04-08, 11:44
Best Of Luck To Ya Lileth.........i Wish Ya Well.......linda

21-04-08, 12:14
Hi Jo,

Hope it went well for you hun. xxx

21-04-08, 14:30
Hi all

It was terrible :weep:

And not because of anyone there really - all in my bloomin mind :wacko:

Got there and waited in reception. The two other candidates knew people at this organisation which just made me write myself off straight away.

We had a computer test first which was on Windows Vista which I have never used as I use Windows XP and it was like trying to navigate your way around a starship control room!

I tried to say to myself that I had nothing to lose, so to just go for it, be myself. I was a bit of a wreck in the actual interview (I thought) - I was so nervous as there were 4 people on the panel. One of their questions was "How do you look after your own mental health" and I nearly started crying - for some reason it triggered me off. For goodness sake, why did I do that? Maybe I was already emotional because I didnt think I'd get the job anyway and I just found it difficult to keep my momentum going.

I forgot to bring in the names of 2 referees - I remembered all my documents (like exam certificates) but forgot those so felt really embarrassed when they asked for them. The lady said not to worry as they would ask for them if I was successful but she looked annoyed (maybe that was in my mind).

The last part was a buffet lunch where we got to meet volunteers and chat to them. The actual staff would be asking the volunteers what they thought of us so it was still part of the assessment. I enjoyed this bit as I yapped on and it was interesting to listen to other peoples' backgrounds. But in the back of my mind my anxiety was saying I was being false. I think this was down to the fact that I really didnt want to be there and just wanted to get out because I felt I'd mucked the interview up. But I chatted to people nonetheless.

All in all, I left just wanting to cry as I felt like I'd been such a cr*p candidate. I written myself off when we were waiting in the reception area really.

I know I will probably get a phone call this afternoon saying they chose someone else but I dont even know if its about that anymore. I'm more upset with the fact that I fell apart.

Ugh :wacko: :weep:

Jo xxxxxx

21-04-08, 15:24
wow wow wow hang on.

Let them decide if you are right for the job, not that little negative voice in your head.

The 2 others know ppl at the orginisation? means nothing.

You wasn't over familiar with Vista? sorry, is it a computer Geek job? no :) (sorry to all computer geeks ;))

You forgot one little detail about the referee's? this is easily rectified, you have this info if they want it, you had everything else, and they will not make a decision based on a little missed paperwork.

The woman seemed annoyed? or you thought she should be annoyed? Negative assumption again.

Ahh you enjoyed the yapping part, probably because you impressed the volunteers and it was going well :)

People (even interviewers) accept that candidates get nervous and allow for it, so lets just wait and see.

Good luck and fingers crossed

Jaco x

21-04-08, 15:57
Oh my goodness.

Just had a phone call - I got the job!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe it, I'm SO pleased!!

Thank you for all your replies, I've got such a stupid grin on my face!!



21-04-08, 16:05
WELL DONE JO !!:yesyes:

What wonderful news, im real pleased for you:yesyes: :yesyes: .

Im sure you be such a assett to the job too.:)


21-04-08, 16:52
Well done you, like it was ever in doubt.

All that yapping done the trick ;)

Congratulations :hugs:


21-04-08, 16:58
Well done Jo :hugs: I'm really pleased for you

I bet you're still smiling lol


21-04-08, 17:06
Hi Jo

Congratulations, fantastic news. You will be great at the job as you come across as so kind and caring when you respond to posts on this forum.

A new beginning

Best wishes:flowers:

21-04-08, 17:11
Thanks guys!

Yes, Pickle I am still smiling lol :D

Jo xxxxx

21-04-08, 17:17
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!!

Well done:yesyes:

21-04-08, 18:59
am really happy for you :D

and am smiling too :)


see my prayers worked :yesyes:

wishing you luck in it now...


< Sara >

21-04-08, 19:24
Hi Jo,

Wow !!!!!!

:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

You don't do things by half!!!! lol
Congratulations and all the best for your new job.
Best wishes,

23-04-08, 12:41
Oh WOW,well done you:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Does that tell you something?

It tells me that you should have more faith in yourself.

News like this makes my day.Congratulations,when do you start?
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
julie x:hugs:

23-04-08, 13:23
Hi Julie, not sure yet. I have to go in and see the Director on Friday to have my CRB forms filled out, name badge sorted, and then figure out when I can start.

Its going to be so great - there are 7 people in the whole office so I will get to know everyone, plus we have volunteers to work with so that's more people interaction. I'm so excited!!!

I cannot believe I got a job that I actually really wanted. I'm so pleased I will be back working within an organisation that's worthwhile!

Thanks for all your kind wishes :hugs: :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

23-04-08, 13:49
Very happy for you.:D
julie x:hugs: