View Full Version : Lorazepam anyone taken it?

21-04-08, 08:50
Has anyone taken Lorazepam? if so what side effects did you get please.

21-04-08, 19:17
Hi Lindy

I take lorazepam, I don't have any side effects. However, they are very strong and very addictive. Have you been given them by your gp? If so, how much in mg's? Sorry not trying to put you off taking them but hope there is an alternative. I also know that no amount of tranquillizer can stop a panic attack or anxiety if it wants to get through! When I frist took them, they did nothing for me as I was very anxious and came off another drug. Then they made me feel tired. Now they don't really do anything, but my body needs them as I am obviously addicted.


21-04-08, 19:42
Elspeth the script states 1mg or half mg taken as required or three times a day.

21-04-08, 19:48

I've taken my fair share of Lorazepam too, and would completely agree with Elspeth.

Personally I loved them. I had the same dose as you - always took half a milligram, and occasionally 1mg. I never had any side effects, except the first few times I felt slightly euphoric! It was nice - I just felt really happy and peaceful without being spaced out.

Lorazepam is quite strong and that can cause difficulties. In that way, Diazepam is better because it's much weaker and available in smaller doses.

I would just suggest you are cautious if you decide to use them - stick to the minimum dose and don't take them any more than you need to. A lot of Doctors will only prescribe a few, and so if you become dependent on them, it only increases your anxiety about running out.

I did find them helpful, just be careful with them.

xxx :flowers:

21-04-08, 20:00
Thank you for the reply, are there side effects of Diazepam please.

22-04-08, 02:49
Hey again Lindy

Every form of medication whatever it is lists every single thing possible as a side effect so they don't get sued, lol:ohmy:

You are suppose to look at the list in case you get one of them, but I'd just as soon not look as I know that I would get them all:ohmy: :ohmy: Different ppl have different side affects and some have none. Side effects prolly the same for diaz as for lorez as they are in the same group.

I know that starting a new medication can make you just as anxious as not taking it, but if you get over the first one without trying to think too much about it, you'll be ok from then on.

How do we cope? Be anxious or be anxious about new meds?!

Good luck:yesyes: :yesyes:


ps I take 2.5mg at night which is very strong, stupid arse doctor:mad: :mad: :mad: I didn't realise til I got on net how strong they are:noangel: :noangel: :noangel:

22-04-08, 10:25
Think I will keep fighting without the meds will take longer but hey ho !