View Full Version : This is all too much

Hannah Banana
29-03-05, 20:37
Just been diagnosed with PTSD. This is all too much too take in. Panic Attacks, Depression, flash backs, hurting.

How do I get through all this?

29-03-05, 20:41
hello Hannah,

Sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with PTSD. All you can do is take one thing at a time. Are you going to be receiving any help for it at all? Whatever you do, don't worry too much. You are not alone and we all understand what you are going through.

Sarah :D

29-03-05, 21:01
Hi there

After they diagnosed you did they offer any form of counselling atall?


29-03-05, 21:51
Hi Hannah

Welcome to the site. To help you more why have they diagnosed PTSD, what happened to make you feel how you are at the moment.

There is hope hon it takes hard work and a lot of support from people who care and on this site you will get all the help you need.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

Hannah Banana
30-03-05, 09:03
I am starting CBT soon. I've had my initial assessment, which went ok. Although i've started to worry that talking through everything now, may be a bit too soon. To be honest I just want to hide it all away (I know it's not the answer). Part of me worries that counselling won't work, where do i go then?
I was assaulted twice in one day last year, that was just the worst day ever. Once was while i was at work, by a client. I quit my job the next day and didn't go back. The next was just in the street, I was followed by a group of women at kicked down some concrete stairs in Brixton, again, i've never been back.
This all happened after a really bad start to 2004 anyway. I was very ill at christmas, I started on anti-depressants. It took me along time to accept those. I was being physically sick every day, just from the thought of getting out of bed. Then I get assaulted. Twice. Once would have been enough! This leads to Panic Attacks, deep depression, for all sorts of reasons and even more anxiety. I get flashbacks.

I've just had enough.

I do actually want to get better. That's why I've accepted the CBT, the medication, the support from my partner, my GP, this site. But am I really ready for all the hard work and bringing it out in the open? I don't know.

30-03-05, 10:06
Hi Hannah, Sorry to hear of your awful ordeal, you really have been through the mill. You will find lots of help and support here and hopefully the CBT will help you too. I know it must be very hard for you to deal with but maybe it is better to get things out in the open as bottling up your feelings can make you feel worse. You have already made as start by telling us what happened and if ever you need to talk we are always here to listen and give advice and support and we will try to help you all we can.
Take care and hope the CBT goes well.
Love Lisaxx

16-04-05, 10:39
hi im new here, i have been told that im suffering from p.t.s.d. im finding it very hard to cope with. all i think about is death and dying...i lost my 18 year old son suddenly on the 1st may 2002. then my ex mother inlaw was murder the day after my son was laid to rest. her husband done it . then he killed his self two mths later. then my husbands mother died of cancer last sept 2004. then my wee brother killed his self on the 21st feb 2005. im scared to be happy incase someone else dies pls help me... thanks for reading this ..bye for now fran

f gill

Hannah Banana
17-04-05, 17:36
Hi fran,
How were you diagnosed with PTSD? Did they offer you any more help? What kind of symptoms do you get? (mine are listed above, panic attacks, depression and all that).
It's difficult to know what to say, except you have had such an awful time over the past few years. I couln't start to try to understand what you've been through. But i do know what it's like to have PTSD and know how that may affect you. A start for me was going to my doctor and accepting help after so many years of me refusing it.
I do know what it's like to be consumed with thoughts of death and dying. I know how they can be intrusive and cause the happiest of moments to mean nothing.
Please try to remember that your happiness doesn't cause the suffering of others. It may help you to try Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. This will help you to put your thoughts into order and understand how to have them as a 'story' rather than something that continues to intrude on your everyday life.
I still struggle with this. I'm not sure how and when i'll get that far.

17-04-05, 22:06
Hi Hannah

We could all ask when is the right time to take on the help we need and we can all hide away from it, trust me i have. But it is there for you and what you have being through you need it. Give them a chance and dont think about if it doesnt work as it will, you need this so let yourself do it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.