View Full Version : No one to help, because no one understands.

21-04-08, 10:22
I feel so alone, and so in need to talk to someone, but I don't know where to find anyone who will understand my situation. I know, that somewhere out there, that other women have been through the same as me, but it's finding them. I have searched the internet, over and over again, but come up with nothing.

I am feeling very very anxious now, because to maybe get the help I need, I have got to tell my story, and so many people tar me with the same brush, but I want to let you know, that I am not like him...I, in my own way am a victim too.

Seven years ago I met a man, and a few months later moved in with him. Within a couple of weeks I was pregnant with my 5th child. My son was born in 2002 and, four weeks later I was pregnant again, and in the same year I gave birth to my 6th child. Eventually we got married, but six months later we split. He had become very obsessive, and kinda weird. He moved out and me and all my kids lived in the house we had brought.

One day, my daughter who was 17 at the time said she had got a text message off him asking her to have sex with him. I confronted him straight away and told him that he was sick and a pervert and that she was my daughter, my flesh and blood and that he was to stay away from me and all my kids, although eventually, he did get visiting rights to the youngest two)A week later, he got arrested..turned out he had been sending similar text messages, with pictures to my next door neighbour. He was cautioned, and told not to have any contact with her either directly or indirectly.

In November 2006, I moved to Stoke on Trent leaving him in Kent, although, he did have regular contact with my three youngest children i.e. he would come up for weekend visits or the kids went there for school holidays, but I knew his mum was always there to help out. In May of last year, he was arrested and charged with voyerism (sorry if I have spelt it wrong). In June of last year he went to court and was fined £150 and was put on the sex offenders register for 5 years, which I found a bit odd as he had never physically touched anyone. A week later, I had Social Services turn up at my house, asking if they could come in and speak with me. They asked if I knew anything about my husbands past, so I told them everything I knew from the text messages to my daughter etc. They then told me, that just before I met him, he had been released from prison after serving three years of a nine year sentence. I couldnt take in what they were saying, nobody had told me this. He had been in prison for two accounts of indecent assualt and one account of gross indecent assualt on an 8 year old girl. They told me there was more but they couldnt go into all details.

Nobody, not his parents, not his sister or him had ever told me this. They all lied to me. They let me move in with him, a woman with children, they let me have more children with him (who incidently, I dont blame, I love those kids to pieces) and they also eventually let me marry him. I cannot begin to explain the whole range of emotions and feelings I had towards him and his family...to name a few there were disgust, anger, disbelief, hatred, hurt and so on.

Social Services have now got an order against him, so that he can have absolutely no contact with my youngest kids who are 10 (not his child but still not allowed contact) 6 and 5 until they are 18 years of age. They also told me that if they discovered that I let him have contact, then my boys would be put on the at risk register and I could lose them, but one thing I am not ever gonna do is let him near them. I know all parents are protective towards their kids, but I know that I am now more so.

It has broken my heart seeing my boys crying and asking why they can't see 'daddy' I had to tell them that he was too busy working, what else could I say? Before all this came to light, they would talk with him on the phone every night, but even that has had to stop. Admittedly now, almost a year later, they do not ask about him hardly at all, but sometimes something will remind them of him and they ask and it kills me. I hate them having the same surname as him, but I cant change it, because to do so I have to have his permission and I know he wont give it.

I have lost all my old friends because of this, even though I have done nothing wrong. I am also now suffering with panic attacks and agrophobia, again...something which I thought I had conquered over 12 years ago, but I am convinced that because of all this its come back again,while he on the other hand can live a perfectly normal life, which makes me sick. I know he has been seeing another women since August of last year and I also know she has a 5 year old daughter for gods sake and its making me so ill. She has been drawn into his world of lies, just like I was and I know that his family are all keeping quiet yet again too. I admit, I did tell social services about his new girlfriend and her little girl, but they said if I didnt have a name for her or her daughter, then there is absolutely nothing they can do.

I know, deep down its going to happen again and I cant do anything about it.

As far as I am aware, he never once laid a finger on my boys, but, my 10 year old is going to be starting counselling soon (due to the death of his own dad) and if it ever comes out that my ex laid one finger on my boys, I know I wont be responsible for my actions.

I know I have rambled on, but I am crying out for help....I need someone who has maybe been in my situation, someone who unknowingly married a pedophile just as I did.

I worry about my boys in the future. How are they going to feel?? Knowing what their dad is? Are they going to hate me for bringing them into this world? I love all my children so much and it kills me to know they are going to be so affected by all this.

Right now I am shaking so much, I feel physically ill. I need to get this out, I know its making me ill but how do I do it? My parents just tell me to forget him but how can I when this is playing on my mind every day and every night? I have had to get my two eldest boys who are 23 and 20 to promise me that they wont go near him, that they wont do anything stupid, because I dont want their lives ruined too.

I just dont know where to turn. Please help me.

21-04-08, 10:36
Phew. You poor thing. I can't begin to imagine the horror that you are experiencing. I have no experience of this but I'm sure someone on here must be able to offer some advice. You have been incredibly brave talking about your situation and I certainly wouldn't think of blaming you. I can't believe that your ex husbands family are letting this happen. If you try relate they have family counsellors who may be able to help deal with the fall out from this situation. I really hope that you find a way of coping I think so far you have done a brilliant job in protecting your children and I'm sure that they love you very much. Take care

21-04-08, 10:39
hi and welcome 1st of all welldone honey for being brave enough to tell your story. what has happend to you is dreadful. there must be local support groups near to you who deal in this if you ring the samaritons they will listen and also give you information about local groups so try local samaritans. also do you have anyone close at all who knows about about this who would be support to u when u need it? please if you ever need to chat you can email me maildon@hotmail.com i also use messenger. please dont feel alone you will get lots of different advice on here and support and also make some friends. so please stay with this site, i been here a month and made friends and got loads of support you can check out my threads if you want. but you will get through this, you are obviously a very strong person to come this far and brave. hugs xxxxx

21-04-08, 10:42
Hello. What an awful situation to find yourself in. I can understand why this is preying on your mind so much.
Did the police offer services from the Victim Support Unit for you? If not, you could talk to Relate or ask your doctor for a referral to a child psychologisit who could advise you how to deal with the children.
Your local Children's services will also be used to dealing with such situations and would give advice without becoming permanently involved with the family. The Probation Service might also have groups to help people in your situation. Either probably know of support groups in your area.
Once you have information to help with the children, you will find it easier to deal with your own anxiety. Have you asked your doctor for any medication to help you through? Is he aware of all that is happening?
Your children will never stop loving you.
There is help out there. I hope you find some soon.

21-04-08, 10:51
Hi thevoicewithinme

Im so sorry this has happened, no wonder your in the state your in.

I think your very brave for sharing it with us and i hope you keep talking.

I can put myself in your shoes. this is hard for me because i try not to go there. If you go to my threads and look at the one about my situation you will see.
I can relate to all the emotions you mentioned and I bet you could write a book full, my head was like a washing machine on full spin and wouldnt stop.
Focusing on anything was a no go.

Pm me and Im happy to talk

Take care of you and thinking about you:bighug1:
love ness

21-04-08, 10:57
aww thats a lovely post ness i hope you can help each other xxxx

21-04-08, 11:20
Hi thevoicewithinme,

This was not your fault,you were not to know.You must feel tricked in some way.You sound like a fantastic mom.Have you had any counselling at all to help you come to terms with all this?
I hope you get the help you need and don't worry about the future,just take one day at a time.Keep posting:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
julie x:hugs:

21-04-08, 11:41
Thank you for not judging me all of you. I know this sounds really weird, but what he has done makes me feel dirty in some kind of way...contaminated maybe is the right word.

I did try talking to my doctor about this, but he kind of brushed me away, to be honest I don't think he knew what to do or say. In answer to the question about medication, no I am not on any. All I have taken is Kalms which did absolutely nothing to help me.

Smudgie, I haven't read your posts yet, but I am going to do that now.


21-04-08, 12:11
hi kaz, no one will ever judge u on here and you will read so many different kind of problems and upsets we are all here to support each other. i do understand why u feel contaminated but please dont because this isnt your fault you was not to know honey. you will get through this xxx

21-04-08, 14:36
Hi thevoicewithinme

I cannot relate to what you have been through but I am so sorry you have gone through this, I cannot imagine how hard this is for you.

But well done for sharing this on the forum honey, you will get lots of support from the people on here :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

21-04-08, 18:13
Hi Kaz,

What a dreadful thing top happen to you - I really do feel for you.

A cousin of mine with learning difficulties was abused by her own dad for over 10 years. He was on police bail for 6 months while they built a case against him. Eventually the CPS wouldnt go ahead because they said she was lead by the police during the video interview, even though there was physical evidence too!! The system sucks as I well know, you've every right to be angry with it. DO NOT be angry with yourself though. You're as much a victim in all of this as the poor kids he abused. You sound like a fantastic mum, if you werent you wouldnt be beating yourself (undeservedly!) as much as you are.

Anyway, when my ex and I split up, I found out my eldest selfharmed (one incident) I was desperate for help so phoned Parentline - 0808 800 2222 - they were fantastic and gave me plently of good advice. They will be more qualified to help you than most on here I think.

Take care

22-04-08, 02:51
Im So Sorry To Hear Of This And I Would Never Ever Judge You Or Anyone........well I Have Never Experienced This But My Best Friend Has In Ways.....she Married A Man Who I Disliked And Begged Her Not Too Marry Just Knew Something Wasnt Right, But She Did And We Wernt Allowed To Talk As She Listeded To All His Commands To Make A Long Story Short They Lived Across From Me And I Heard Her Daughter Always Yelling No And I Would Scream Leave Her Alone Thinkin He Was Beating Her...i Called Her Work To Alert Her On This But She Stood By Him..well, It Wasnt Just Beatin Her He Was Raping Her Over And Over Since She Was 8 I Was At TrIAL.HE GOT 15 YRS At This Case And Seen This Poor Girl And Women Who Was My Best Friend And Almost Niece Go Thru This Her Hubby Raping His Own Child Was Unbarable I Couldnt Even Begin To Think How My Friend Felt As She Was So Ashamed Of This.....and Her Daughter...its Sad Knowing Ya Not Alone There Is Many Many Sick People In This World And Please Never Ever Blame Yaself For His Actions I Could Go On But Ya Got My Point You And The Kids Stay Strong And One Day You Will Find True Happiness And Leave This Nightmare Behind You All..i Wish You All Well Your In My Thots And Prayers.........linda Xxxxxx

24-04-08, 10:23

How are you, been thinking about you.

Just to let you know Im here if you want to talk.
Take care of you

24-04-08, 10:34
OMG you poor poor thing! I am in tears reading this! Im afraid I havent been or know anyone who had been in your situation :(
Just wanted to let you know that I am here for you, we all are. If you fancy a girly chat or whatever feel free to PM me.
Take care xxx

25-04-08, 02:27
Hi thevoice

Your head must be totally thrashed, you have so much stress to deal with and a huge deception which has obviously knocked you for six.

I can only try to understand, and am happy to do pm's anytime, so there are people here to support you as much as possible even though they may not fully understand what you are going through,....I hope you are ok, as ok as can be expected.

Take care


25-04-08, 07:34

I really cannot even start to imagine what you are going through, i have never been in any situation like this and i am so sorry that i cannot offer you advice.

What i can do is tell you that by writing all this down and by sharing it with us you have shown that you are so very special. The writing alone must have been so hard for you and i wish i was there just to give you a hug for the very special person you are.

when i first entered this site you were the first to greet me, and it felt so good that there were other people out there who themselves have problems.

I am so sorry that i cannot give you the advice or help that you need but please know that i am here and thinking of you.

Your friend
Pompey x

20-05-08, 14:54
Felt I should add an update on this :unsure:

Last week, I phoned the police, and I spoke to the person who had been involved with the arrest of him. I told her that there were some things playing on my mind, the fact the my husband is not allowed to see our boys until they are 18 (and as I have said before that will be over my dead body) but he is allowed to have a girlfriend (who doesn't know about his past, the same as I didn't) and to have her 5 year old daughter, calling him daddy??

As I thought, this is not allowed and the police were very grateful for the information that I gave them and by now I would of thought he would of had a visit from them, and hopefully this will no longer be allowed to continue.

Like I have said before, what he did is the reason I am like this, but the one thing that has been eating away at me is the fact that he can go on and lead a normal life, and yet again lie to the new woman in his life and pretend that he is just the average joe...when he is not!!

I now have a big sense of relief, if that's the right word, that hopefully I have now gotten this little girl out of his way (well at least I hope I have) before he does something to her....and I know this sounds so wrong, but I also feel a sense of satisfaction too, which is wrong I know, but I do, because of what he has put my children through and me too :unsure:


20-05-08, 15:20
Kaz :hugs:

You totally did the right thing, well done to you.

Its understandable that you feel satisfaction - because you have been able (hopefully, if its been dealt with) to stop him from inflicting any pain on this little girl and her mother.

Well done to you for speaking to the police hun.

Jo xxxxx

20-05-08, 16:14

I felt I had to reply to this post as I know exactly what you are going thru because I had a similar experience:weep:

When I was in my 20s I married a guy called James......my 2 boys were 2 and 5 at the time

We were married for 11 years and he was a control freak so eventually we split up!!!

Nearly 2 yrs later my youngest son confided in me that James had abused both him and my eldest son:lac:

It finished up with me getting a police caution for actions I took against him, he was tried in Crown Court but put on such a convincing show that the jury found him not guilty:lac: (most of them thought he was guilty but not all)

He went on to have a relationship with a woman with a young son.....but because of the not guilty verdict there was nothing anyone could do:wacko:

Anyhow my kids are grown up now and although we had to get help via councelling for the youngest they seem happy and well ajusted adults

I so know how you feel:hugs:

Feel free to contact me if I can be of any help

Kaz x:hugs: