View Full Version : misscarriage

celia davies
21-04-08, 11:24
went 4 my scan an they couldnt find a heartbeat so had yet again another misscarriage things were jst goin right 4 me stopped having panic attacks an my health anxiety had gone,now im back 2 square 1 thinking i have stomach cancer,bowl cancer ect i hate feeling like this,my stomach feels like theres something in it my heart keeps fluttering keep having the shakes ect is this because im going trough a hard time?? because i felt like i was over the misscarrige??:weep:

21-04-08, 11:34
:hugs: hi celia , im sorry you have miscarried, i had one in 2005, i was only just pregnant but i sooooo wanted that pregnancy it meant too much to me really, and it also brought back all of my anxiety which i had recovered from. or so i thought id recovered from bu treally i hadnt. so now im trying again even though im experiencing anxiety because really you can tstop feeling anxious but its best to just ignore it really - it will go away. are you reacting to the anxiety with more anxiety? if you are thats exactly what i did, and i could not for the life of me remind myself it would go! i just didnt want to deal with feeling so miserable because not only was i not pregnant but i didnt wan to take the chance to become pregnant again which puzzled and upset me even more:weep: this is definately anxiety and all the physical feeling s are anxiety too, plus your hormones will take a while to settle down. please be kind to yourself, take care emma:flowers:

21-04-08, 11:53
Hi Celia,
So sorry to hear your sad news.
You will be going through a whole range of emotions at the moment. Yes you will be feeling your anxiety as you have had a bereavment and that is very stressful for you. I have never had one but friends who have tell me it is a very upsetting and distressing time. Just take it easy and don't be too hard on yourself and you will regain your strenght during this time..
Take care
Love Hazel xo:flowers:

21-04-08, 12:28

So sorry to hear your sad news

Its no wonder you are feeling like this.


mandie x

21-04-08, 12:48

just wanted to say im so sorry to hear your sad news:hugs:

love sandyjanexxx

21-04-08, 12:51
hi celia

sorry to hear your sad news hun .

i know how hard it is my little girl died 9 years ago and it was a very trying time for us and my panic was crazy but it dose get better hard to see right now but give it some time :hugs:

jodie xxx

21-04-08, 13:35

21-04-08, 13:52
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx

21-04-08, 13:56
So sorry to hear your bad news :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

21-04-08, 14:13
You have all my symapthy. I know from first hand knowlege how dreadfull a miscarriage makes you feel. When we are feeling low all our anxieties come out the woodwork.Be gentle with yourself and take every day as it comes. Not easy advice I know but it worked for me.

21-04-08, 14:29
hi sorry to hear of your news i tottaly understand how you feel ,i had a mc in august last year, i also have heart flutterings etc this has only happened since my mc ,hope you feel better soon you ever need to chat you can always pm me x

miss diagnosis
21-04-08, 17:01
im so sorry to hear your news. my son was meant to be a twin but i miscarried the other baby very early on.so i know how horrendus this must be for you.please take comfort that everyone on the site is here for you if you need to talk

take care of yourself

21-04-08, 21:35
:hugs: :hugs: sorry to hear your news.

21-04-08, 22:18
Hi Celia

I had a miscarriage two years ago at 12 weeks and it was the worst thing ever. I am so very sorry for your loss. You probably feel so alone right now, but you're not. I really do understand how it feels. Miscarriage is soon forgotten by those around you cos it wasn't real to them. But when you lived with being preg and having all the plans etc for the future the loss takes a very long time to heal. I'm still learning to cope two years later and though my husband and I are trying for another baby I am crippled by fear every day, in case I have another miscarriage. Mine to was picked up at the scan as they couldn't find a heart beat. I think it is the worst possible way to find out. You go there expecting to see your first glimpse of your baby, and they tell you the baby has died. Desvastating. I was just numb.
It is no wonder you are feeling anxious. The fluttery feelings in your heart are ectopic heart beats and are nothing at all to worry about, it is caused by anxiety. Read up on ectopcs there's loads on here about it, that might help to reassure you. You need to try and me nice to yourself and tell yourself it's ok to feel this way, your body needs time to readjust and you have had a terrible shock. If you would like to private message me any time please do so. Miscarriage is an awful thing to deal with and people often say the wrong things like you can try again. This doesn't help, I know that only too well. I constantly get asked when I'm going to have a baby....like it's that easy!!!
Please take care of yourself
Andrea xx

21-04-08, 23:55
Hi Celia

I am so sorry to read your news. I know how you feel as I had a mmc last July and also had a stillborn baby girl in December 06.

I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and please feel free to pm or email me if you need to talk.

Love and hugs

Nikki xx

22-04-08, 18:05
Hi Celia,

I was so sorry to hear of this tragic event.
You and your partner are in my thoughts and prayers.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Best wishes,

23-04-08, 12:45

i just want to say how sorry i am for your loss, i really feel for you and am thinking of you at this time.

Your hormones will be all over the place and that may cause your anxiety to worsen/return. Hormones are the reason my anxiety started in the first place.

Once they settle and you are in a better place emotionally, im sure things will become easier for you.

Take care