View Full Version : Up & Down...again

29-03-05, 21:08
Just needed to get this off my chest as I'm sending myself crazy right now, just keep going over and over it. I'm so up and down at the moment - one minute I'm feeling fine and next it all comes flooding back again and I don't know where I stand. I've had a great couple of days, going out and doing things with friends and family and although I haven't necessarily felt like 'me' all those times, I've been well enough to actually go and do stuff. But then I'll have like one moment when I question it (normally when I'm on my own and have time to mull things over) and then it's right back down again. And the thing is, that's when I start feeling like a failure, like I can't even go one day without this affecting me in some way. I'm sorry guys, I'm just so up and down at the moment and right now my GAD is just making me question everything including myself, which then makes me angry which in turn gets me down even more. Anyone have any answers? Felt like this themselves perhaps?

29-03-05, 21:16

I can totally relate as I had months of ups and downs that then turned to years!

What I do in these situations is read some positive stuff to reinforce what I already know and to re-motivate me.

Go back to the website on here and read some stuff again - www.nomorepanic.co.uk

Re-read some posts on here but above all don't beat yourself up over this.

Treat yourself well and take some time to chill and relax.

Another good thing is to release some adrenalin and run around the house. Don't forget that when we get anxious we are on a "fight or flight path" so we need to channel that energy.

I know you won't feel like it but try to release that in a positive way and don't let it turn to panic/anxiety.

Run up and down the stairs for starters!!

Hope you feel better tomorrow.


29-03-05, 21:34
Thanks Nicola - exercising does help me, it's just sometimes when I get stuck in this kind of rut, I forget all the good things I know and can only seem to concentrate on the bad.

I've been for a walk and a drive today to try and calm me down, which it has done to a certain extent. And it's one of the reasons I've come online tonight - re-reading some of the posts and taking a look at some of the positive thoughts people put down, helps me to re-understand that this won't last forever, I'm the one in control of it and not the other way round and life will get back to normal too!

Thanks again.
Turtlemoon :D

29-03-05, 21:34

Sorry you are feeling like that, but i do understand how hard it is, one minute you feel a bit more like yourself then it is clouded by anxiety and by the end of it you arent really sure how you feel or where you are going.

Hopefully the good days will get better and the bad days easier to cope with and you will get into a routine with how you feel and can focus on the good days and remember the bad days are blips that we all have.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

29-03-05, 21:36
hi turtlemoon

I totally agree with what nic has said...try to take some time for yourself....think positively and release some tension...and yes there were several days when i felt like a failure even if i did manage a short walk if i had the slightest feeling of anxiety while doing this i would beat myself up to the extent that i would even pick fights with my husband to try to get him to leave me.
Try to take each episode as just a FEELING and remember that feelings CAN and DO change frequently.

take care


29-03-05, 22:42
**But then I'll have like one moment when I question it (normally when I'm on my own and have time to mull things over) and then it's right back down again**

Energy follows thought . Think scared = feel scared

Thoughts : Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
More thoughts : Mind Games (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1789)

You're doing well and hav eactually improved substantially to recognise that you now have down days as well as the up ones .. Progress seems slow but actually moves quite fast but blips happen .. We're learning new thought patterns

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

29-03-05, 23:56

I had this and still do a little, feel fine one minute thinking this might be over and done with and all the good things that are in my life then the what ifs come back instantly and make me worry again and feel low....seems to happen in a blink of an eye somedays. But now for the good news, this use to happen all the time, id say id take 30-40 hits like this a day, now id say i take about three or four a day, and to be honest they dont hurt as much as they did, dont last as long as they did and dont take as long to get over as they did. So, if they have gone down by 90% in twelve months then I know that in time and witha little patience they will pass altogether............

u will get through this my friend.

take care doddy

30-03-05, 21:31
Thought for a moment I had a twin. You've just described how I've felt over the weekend, I have times when I forget I've got anxiety and then it's as though it needs to remind me it's still there and I'm not OK really.

Today my husband has gone back to work, it's rained all day and I've been doing chores, and I've had time for my mind to wander and feel I'm not on top of this anxiety.

Maybe it's time to sit and chill with my journal to remind me I have had good times over the past week and things are not always the same .


30-03-05, 21:50
hi Turtle,

As the others have said, this is very common amongst anxiety sufferers. I get this all the time and it's very annoying as there's never an explanation to why I feel good or why I feel bad. All we can do is try to hang onto the positive times..

Sarah :D

30-03-05, 22:44
Hi Turtle

Hope you are feeling a bit better. How you are feeling is normal although it doesnt feel like that. You will get through this hon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.