View Full Version : allergic reactions

21-04-08, 12:55
Not about me but my 2.5 year old daughter.
She has always been a bit dodgy in the tummy department bloated, very windy both burps and bottom end struggling to go to toilet then undigested food etc, she gets excema like dryness behind her knees arms and such like.
Over the weekend we went away to a Haven ssite in Norfolk after we got some take out food her cheeks went red her eyes and face swelled up she looked a right mess I gave her piriton which seemed to calm it a bit.
I rang my health visitor this morning and she said I should have taken her to the hospital as allergic reactions can be serious she has an appointment with the gp this eve and she said its likely she is alergic to something she ate she said she will have to see a peadiatricion have some tests and maybe have to have a epi pen incase it happens again as the 2nd reeeatction is normally alot worse.
I am now worrid to say the least does anyone have any experience with thiS and how long am I likely to be waiting before i see someone at the hospital??

A very worrid mommy!!!!!!
(thank goodness Ive been on the ciprilex for nearly 4 weeks or I would be a total mess)

21-04-08, 14:19
I have severe allergic reactions to many foods including bananas chillies chestnuts peppers and most spices. I have been taked to A&E several times with anaphylaxis. The last time they found out I was allergic to latex which has made medical treatment tricky to say the least. I was referred to a allergy specialist who tested me and advised me to wear a medi-alert bracelet so that if I am unconscious people will know about the allergies. I get quite paranoid sometimes when people don't take it seriousley and !say"Oh just try a little bit". They have no idea