View Full Version : Is spring finally on its way?

21-04-08, 13:18

I have been so fed up of this weather, winter justs seems as its never ending!:weep:

Where i live we mangaged about half an hour of sun this morning, so i went and did some weeding in the garden for the first time this year. :yesyes:

Ive heard that the tempretures by the weekend could reach 21 degress im getting excited already:) .

I so want to get my hands on some bedding plants and get them planted, i find gardening realy lifts my spirits.

I dont no why i realy did this thread, i am just so cheesed off the sun as gone again and its looking like more rain !:weep:

Roll on Spring sunshine !

21-04-08, 13:49
Lovely post Andrea hun :yesyes: I too am geared up for the warmer weather and all the benefits we get from it. As I have done away with my garden I can't wait to get my hanging baskets and window boxes done up so roll on the sunshine :D xxxx

30-04-08, 15:27

well it was looking like spring today but not for long we now have thunder and i hate it :scared15: lol

jodie xxx

30-04-08, 15:39
It better do my darling because intend to put my boots away this weekend and get out my collection of flipflops come hell or high water!!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

30-04-08, 15:43
:roflmao: you do that piglet lol

would be nice to see a bit of sun im not a fan of the hot weather as my anx is allways worse but a bit of sun would be nice :yesyes: and no thunder lol

jodie xx