View Full Version : No Panic Helpline

21-04-08, 14:30
Just wondering if anyone has used the 'No Panic' help line number 08088080545. I could really do with chatting with someone who understands at the moment, but when i called it it said you had to call other numbers to speak so certain women. It kind of put me off, i know it shouldnt have, but i think i was waiting for something to put me off as i was so nervous! Anyway, is it good and professional? Some of you probably think im being weird about it but i feel very vunrable at the moment and would really appreciate some advice about calling. :shrug: Thanks Charlie :hugs: xxx

21-04-08, 15:45
Hi there I used this a few times early last year. Basically after phoning the first number you are given 3-4 numbers of people who have experienced panic and have been trained (i think by no panic) to talk and try and help you. I think each couple of hours they change the people. When I phoned the first few times I spoke to really helpful people they talked me through the panic attack I was having at the time and were generally reassuring. The last time I phoned I had a lady who although trying to help I found was a bit loud and spent most of the call interupting me and telling me her problems. I think like most things it is how you react to an individual.

I would certainly give them a ring. They also do a telephone recovery programme which others on here have tried and found helpful. I think it costs about £10. Don't be frightened to phone them they are really nice and can be a great help.

21-04-08, 15:55
Thank you, thats exactly what i wanted to hear :)
I will call them tomorrow i think.....i have joined No Panic paying £10 and am waiting to hear about my memebership and if i can do the 12 week telephone recovey programme which ive heard can be helpful.
Thank you for such a reassuring reply i really appreciate it!
I hope as i begin to get better i will be able to help people as they have helped me on here. :hugs: Charlie xxxx

21-04-08, 21:49
Hi Popsy.. i did the 12 week program two years ago and i did find it helpful..you have a kind of party line set up where you have a group chat once a week with other people suffering with anxiety problems....oh and here is co-ordinator on the line too... i actually found the contact with other members more useful than the sessions themselves but all in all it was a positive experience..:yesyes: you can pm me anytime if you want to know more.
Take Care