View Full Version : Feeling cold then hot

21-04-08, 16:25
Does anybody else feel like this?
My arms feel cold when i go out or theres a draft near me, then when i get hot i start sweating and i can't seem to cope with the heat and it feels like i'm going to pass out! it feels like i can't regulate my body temperature, i'm not sure wether to go to my doctors because he's going to take the easy way out and say anxiety rather than check me out! thought i would check with you guys first before i start demanding off my doctor!

21-04-08, 16:40

Yeah I get this all the time one minute I feel so cold and can't get warm and the next I am sweating. It's usually when I am sitting that the coldness sets in my hands and feet feel like ice sometimes but then the next minute I am so hot. I think it is something to do with the anxiety but you are right the doctors always seem to blame everything on the anxiety.


21-04-08, 17:03
Thanks, i've never had this before, and thats probably causing me to panic a bit! i don't like new symptoms! i've just been out in the car and had to put the A/C on because the windows were steaming up from the heat from me! now i'm home i've been hoovering and my arms are cold! i don't get it!

21-04-08, 17:14
I get this all the time, one minute i will be so cold i have to put more clothes on then a few minutes later i will be so hot i have to go outside to cool down.
Its not nice as you dont know whats causing it, i often think i have some illness coming on but it comes and goes, i rarely seem to feel at the right temperature.
The feeling faint bit is horrible, i am sure this is made worse by worrying over what is happening, sometimes my head feel so hot i think its going to explode, i go bright red as well it only usually lasts a few minutes then i will be either ok or cold until the next time.
I think its another one of those strange anxiety symptoms for us to worry about.
Take care

21-04-08, 18:08
Thanks guys, my skins gone very dry on my arms and legs as well! i've been suffering badly with anxiety for the past 7 months! and these are new symptoms! :weep:

21-04-08, 18:42
I struggle with this all the time. When I am anxious, my feet feel like I have then in ice water, then right before I get the adrenalin rush that starts the
panic attack I feel overwhelmingly hot.

21-04-08, 20:22
i don't feel hot

but i feel really really cold with panics