View Full Version : Dizziness, but only in the evening...

21-04-08, 19:11
I've been experiencing dizziness over the past week or so but i only get it in the evening. Its different from a usual feeling of tiredness as i will feel lightheaded. Its not accompanied by any additional symptoms, no heart palps, heart speed is normal, unlikely to be due to low blood sugar as i've always eaten well throughout the day. Any ideas?

21-04-08, 20:37
I sometimes come over all dizzy at night i like to think i'm kept busy at work and don't really think about things then when i come home even though i don't think i am thinking things i go dizzy and my eyes feel like they want to shut.
I have low b12 and was really quite bad before i got told i had this.

21-04-08, 23:50
yeah i feel feel quite dizzy at night times, sometimes i will just feel faint for no apparent reason. It's so horrible, i know how you feel. I get convinced somethings seriousely wrong, it's only came on this year. Doctor says im fine, but she only listened to my heart and took my blood pressure, so now i've been convinced it's something else.

Ali in NY
23-04-08, 21:49
HI, I just found this thread after having posted about dizziness myself. Same with me! In the evenings when I get home, but I convinced myself it's always there and I just don't notivce it during the day because I'm sitting at a desk. I'm worried I have some neurological problem/brain tumor. Had a CT scan a few months ago which came back normal (except for a minor sinus infection) but the dizziness remains, along with extreme fatigue. Someone suggested it could be allergies. Do you have allergies? I don't know if I buy it. I've been to a few doctors who all tell me I'm very healthy. I'm at a loss. It's hard for me to accept that dizziness can be caused by anxiety.

28-10-10, 16:49
Hi all,
I know this is an old thread but have any of you come up with a solution?

For the last many months, I have been feling terrible in the evenings..ONLY. I am completely fine in the day, but post 630-7pm, I begin to get light headed..distant.."woozy"...
No pain, no head ache, no palpitations..I have high blood pressure and used to get frequent anxiety attacks and so am on BP meds, thus I monitor my BP regularly and its normal. ECG is also normal..
I would LOVE to know if anyone else has found some sort of a solution to this....its taken over my life!

24-11-15, 15:58
I cannot believe I've actually come upon this thread again...after 5 years...and my symptoms are exactly the same...I've given up trying to figure it out and just live with the debilitation..

Still, would love to know if any of you fellow sufferers have indeed found a cure for this?

07-12-16, 22:14
I cannot believe I've actually come upon this thread again...after 5 years...and my symptoms are exactly the same...I've given up trying to figure it out and just live with the debilitation..

Still, would love to know if any of you fellow sufferers have indeed found a cure for this?

Hey you seem to be suffering from severe anxiety. I have the same problem. Considering that you have thankfully survived for a number of years without any effect, I'm sure subconsciously you are just focusing on being lethargic around the evening time.

10-12-16, 13:35

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.