View Full Version : Pain in leg/dvt??

21-04-08, 19:29
I am in abit of a tizz tonight.

I have been in work all day, I am a receptionist in a busy office but today it was rather quiet so for most of the day I was sat at the pc working. I often cross my legs when I sit and since I have left work my right buttock aches and my right calf muscle. It hurts just where my left knee has been sticking into the back of my right leg.

It hurts if I bend my right leg and bring my leg up behind me the calf muscle aches and it hurts if I walk up the stairs.

I am worrying now I have a blood clot or something, my chest feels a bit tight which is bound to be from worrying.

I got in and spoke to my mum who straight away said I wouldn't get a dvt so quickly and it wouldn't happen from sitting at my desk all day even if my legs were crossed.

It does feel like its the muscle is aching but I have never experienced this before. Sometimes my buttock aches from sitting alot (I am prone to sciatica since having my kids) but soon eases but this is in my calf and its worrying me tonight.

Any reassurance?:unsure:

21-04-08, 19:33
Hi Cherry,

Have a chat with your health and safety officer at work.See if this could be the result of e.g. poor seating.At work,I always make a point of standing up and having a good stretch of my legs at regular intervals.
Best wishes,

21-04-08, 19:37

I did walk around, I never sat for more than an hour, I get bored so have a walk around but as I was crossing my legs and it aches where I had my legs crossed its worrying me. Feel abit panicky now:-(

21-04-08, 19:44
I read you only get it if you are stationary for hours on end, like on a long haul flight and you don't move or if you stuck in bed and just stuck there for days. My Aunt had dvt I discovered and she was in emense pain when she got it, and her leg swelled up pretty bad as well as one of my friends.

It might just be an annoyance created by your seating habits. If you are very worried maybe a call to the NHSdirect service could calm your nerves. I worry about DVT a lot I just don't google because there is so much conflicting advice. Is the pain still there if you rest your leg raised?

Hope you feel better soon.

Take care,

21-04-08, 19:49

No when I am resting up like now it doesn't hurt at all, its only if I walk up the stairs or lift my leg, so really using the leg muscle.

I have heard of people having DVTs and not having symptoms so I am worried:-(

I don't want to go ringing anyone tonight, I am on my own with the children so I can't get out and ringing these lines just makes me more anxious.

21-04-08, 20:22
I'm sure you will be ok i know when i'm sat at my computer, which i do most nights and with my legs crossed they hurt or ache in some way. i have a small electrical heat pad that i lay on or over my legs arms etc in bed and this seems to really help. I was having haveing a aching pain in my lower back leg for about 3 weeks and i got this and used it a few nights and it started going and i've not really had it since only if i sit funny or do sum exercise.

21-04-08, 20:42
I am walking around alot tonight stretching.

I posted on a parenting forum that I sometimes use and they have scared me over there telling me I should go get chcked out because with DVT you don't have to have any swelling so now I am sitting here crying and worrying myself sick:-(

21-04-08, 20:54
I am panicking and all scared now.

I don't want to ring NHS direct, I hate ringing them, they made me so anxious once when I rang them, never again.

People saying they didn't feel pain or developed a PE hasn't helped:-(:-(

21-04-08, 20:56
I was trying stretching when my legs were really hurting and i have to say i thought this would help but for some reason i woke up 3 times in one night with a massive sharp pain in my leg. The pain then lasted for at least 3 days just felt like i had been kicked really hard.
I would recommend using a hot water bottle if you have one, or lean against a radiator i was doing this to start with and it was easing my pain so in the end that's why i got the heat pad cos it was more practical and it didn't cost that much.
I'd just rest it really, cos you will prob feel mor anxious if it hurts and if it don't hurt as much laying down/resting i think it would be best to do this.

21-04-08, 21:05
Thanks for your help.

It only hurts when i lift the leg or go upstairs. Doesn't hurt at all to walk on it.

Surely it would painful constantly if it were a dvt?

I hate worrying like this, I feel so panicky.

21-04-08, 21:16
I really don't think it is dvt, i know mine started hurting after i got very stressed one week and mine did seem worse when i was going up stairs it was ok coming down for some reason.
Try something warm on it to relax the leg a bit it might help.

21-04-08, 21:20

I am trying a glass of wine;-)

21-04-08, 21:21
I thought I had PE once and went to see the doc at the walkin and she said that if I had PE I wouldn't be able to talk I would be so out of breath. It's horrable I so know where you are coming from it's like somedays I wish I could plug myself into a computer and push DIAGNOSE.

21-04-08, 21:27

I will see how I go, I feel really panicky tonight though.

21-04-08, 21:27
I see you are a photographer Janie, so am I:-)

21-04-08, 21:29
Take it easy and try and relax, watch a film you can laugh at. I like friends when i want cheering up it always makes me laugh.

21-04-08, 21:31
I see you are a photographer Janie, so am I:-)

I try :roflmao:
do you have your work online at all?

21-04-08, 21:32
I did actually have DVT after a 14 hour flight. The affected leg was twice the size of the other but no pain. Your body is designed to get rid of blockages and clots. Its only in very rare circumstances the clot moves to the heart or lungs but these are the stories you hear about in the press. Dont be too worried, you've more than likely pulled a muscle.

Take care

21-04-08, 21:34
Thanks Sue,

When you had a dvt then did you really know about it? gosh I can't believe you had no pain with it.

Thanks for replying Sue I appreciate it.

I have a 9 hour flight to Florida next year, dreading it already.

21-04-08, 21:36
I was just wandering if you have any blood tests lately, to test for things like thyroid, diabeties, low iron etc.

21-04-08, 21:40
Hi, I didnt actually realise what it was til I got home (thank god) and spoke to my doctor. I just thought it was one of those things. I must say, I made the same flight later on in the year and wore flight socks (sexy!) and made sure I kept as mobile as possible and I had no problems. You'll be fine, dont worry :hugs:

tayside lassie
21-04-08, 22:08
hey cherry ..you sound like you got an attack of sciatica ..that's where the pain usually starts from "the buttocks " pain can travel up/down leg ..side of the leg and calf pain ...appartently the symptoms of d.v.t are swelling ..severe pain ..leg hot/cold ...or if the leg becomes white or scarlet.....i had swelling in one leg after the birth of my son it turned out to be odema but was told to watch out for the above symptoms ..

21-04-08, 22:13
Hi scooby,

I last had bloods done in November. I usually have them done every 3 months for my ferritin (iron stores) coz its abit low. I am due a test next month, he wanted to wait abit longer for some reason before re testing.

21-04-08, 22:15
Thanks very much.

I just tried to run up the stairs to my crying son and it was quiet painful as I ran so now im worrying again.

I shall see how I am tomorrow. It does feel muscular more than anything but I cant understand how it can be from sitting down??

21-04-08, 22:25
I think you can get it from generally just stressing, that's how mine seemed to start i got to the point i felt like my legs were gonna give way under me but they never did.

21-04-08, 22:42
This really aches though when im walking up the stairs.

I am panicking tonight:-( I never get this from sitting at work.

21-04-08, 22:48
It maybe started from sitting then you got thinking about it and worrying and now your body is making it worse when i was getting numness in my arms it wasn't too bad some days but if i thought about it just seemed to triple in pain. I'm sure it will ease off a bit definitly try a hot water bottle though.

22-04-08, 02:15
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_33_21.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm860YYGB) hi cherry i have had dvt when i was pregnant it is extremely painful your leg gets very hot and swells up twice size of the other one and you cant walk on it and also it is constantly painful i realy dnt think you have one at all probly how you been sitting or youve pulled your calf muscle tc xx

http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb098&pp=ZCxdm860YYGB (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb098_ZCxdm860YYGB&utm_id=7926)

22-04-08, 06:46
Thanks Ladygroom thats very reassuring. Sorry to hear you had one though.

I shall see how it goes then, I am seeing my GP tomorrow anyway.

I have walked on it this morning and it hurts but probably from lying down all night the muscle has got abit stiff.

I hope its nothing bad anyway, there is no swelling or redness in the area and being so slim im sure id see it wouldn't I?

22-04-08, 10:44
hope your leg starts to feel a bit better today :)

22-04-08, 13:33
Much better today, thank you all so much.

22-04-08, 20:26
Tonight its aching again, not really my calf but my knee and ankle hurt, arghhhhhh.

I have recently started running and I have been getting alot of strains in my ankles & knees. Then it goes when I rest up for a week but since sitting in work on monday it hurts, very strange.

The calf area which was hurting last night has stopped hurting so hopefully its nothing to worry about. I have been on my feet all day in 3inch heel boots so I guess that hasn't helped. I am getting some flat shoes tomorrow!!

I am seeing my GP tomorrow about my spots so I am going to see what he thinks about these leg pains. I hope to god its nothing to worry about but hopefully if its just my ankle and knee hurting its just a strain or the sciatica, my right buttock also aches alot today.

Oh I am in the wars!

22-04-08, 21:46
You are speaking to the queen of panicking now!! I have thought I have had clots loads. You only have to worry if it is red, swollen and quite hot to touch. It will just be muscle pain.

23-04-08, 06:52
Thanks so much, thats reassuring. Did your gp tell you that?

23-04-08, 14:27

i had a dvt in 2003, let me say it blinking agony, it never lets up, sitting, standing whatever it hurts all the time, i had mine for a whole month before the dr would actually take me serious, a first it just hurt, then it gradually got worse, it didnt swell right up until i had it diagnosed so a month after it started. it wasnt hot and it wasnt red.

BUT ......... i always now get leg aches, my heamotology dr said pain is no indicator what so ever of a dvt. pain alongside other symtoms is what they look for i think, im not saying id want another clot lol but after it was diagnosed it wasnt that bad, i had warfarin for 9 months, the pain went almost straight away.

im sure from listening to your posts its fine, i get exactly what u describe but i get the pain in my foot aswell, it drives me mad, ive noticed i get this alot worse when im due on.

take care u r fine
Leanne xx

23-04-08, 20:24
Thanks Leanne,

Thats kind of reassuring;-) thank you for helping.

I saw my GP tonight, I didn't say I thought I had a dvt but told him about the leg pains, he checked my calf and foot. He said its muscular from sitting akwardly in work and I run.

The thing is know of some people who didn't have pain or swelling and ended up with it spreading to their lungs so I can't help but still worry that he has missed it.

My legs are so thin, I am very petite so I am just hoping that it wouldn't of been missed and that he or I would notice something.

I thought the symptoms of DVT were swelling and pain so I am kind of confused and not very reassured tonight despite seeing my GP, lol!

29-04-08, 17:14
Thanks very much.