View Full Version : head zap/random pain getting annoying!

21-04-08, 19:59
I am getting very annoyed with myself and swear it's all down to imagination now!

I get wierd pains in my head, it pops up all over the place seems like a local pain bit of a sharpish pain bit of a pain in the ASS pain if you ask me. This is the route to my "I am dying of a brain annurisim any minute now" anx.

It is getting me down I am so worried and sad in one. I can't discribe the pains, it's not a jolt it is just a localised pain that comes quickly like someone has stuck me with a pin and then it can be there for like 5 - 10 minutes and then goes sometimes comes back but can just dissapear.

anybody have something similar can anybody relate, it is tied in with Anx...it just worries me sick I am just so sick with fear today I don't know what is up...

thanks for listening

21-04-08, 20:13
Yes I used to get this alot down the sides of my head, like a cold zapp. Sometimes it came and went other times it stayed a while.

I think it was anxiety related, my GP was not concerned.

21-04-08, 20:20
I had something tantamount to a nervous breakdown last November, and yes, I had those weird head ZAPS too. They were so weird, and unsettling! It was like little tiny electrical shocks running through the core of my brain!

Soooooo weird, but I'm ok now and haven't had them since. Totally anxiety related.

21-04-08, 21:16
thanks for the replies, I guess it could be down to tiredness. It could be down to a lot of things, it's so hard to get the initial panic out of my head that something catastrophic is going to follow the small pain. It's days like this that I wish there was a magic pill that could take it all away and make me think in a different direction.

22-04-08, 10:34
I had those for a few weeks after Christmas - just zaps of pain down one side of my head. It stopped eventually - I suspect cos I'd moved onto the next thing to worry about!:blush: I think it's one of those anxiety related symptoms that will come and go,


28-04-08, 21:21
I am getting very annoyed with myself and swear it's all down to imagination now!

I get wierd pains in my head, it pops up all over the place seems like a local pain bit of a sharpish pain bit of a pain in the ASS pain if you ask me. This is the route to my "I am dying of a brain annurisim any minute now" anx.

It is getting me down I am so worried and sad in one. I can't discribe the pains, it's not a jolt it is just a localised pain that comes quickly like someone has stuck me with a pin and then it can be there for like 5 - 10 minutes and then goes sometimes comes back but can just dissapear.

anybody have something similar can anybody relate, it is tied in with Anx...it just worries me sick I am just so sick with fear today I don't know what is up...

thanks for listening

hi i have had this all day, i'm on the verge of a panic attack. but its ok ive asked the doctor about this and he says its stress and anxiety. you r ok hun, but if it worries you go to the docs and have it checked out. Dont panic!!!!

29-04-08, 00:19
ive been having a tight feeling around my head all day today which is making me panicky :(

but i too have had such zaps (love tht description) and they do go away. i think it must just be tension, or something anxiety related
we get pains everywhere but on your head its always scarier cos thts where the brain is.
like a pain in your finger etc.. wouldnt get noticed as easy

try not to worry :) aches and pains and zaps!!! are all normal


29-04-08, 08:03

Take a look at this-This is the post I did after suffering nearly exactly the same symptoms as you-hopefully it will re-assure you a little

Lou xxx

30-04-08, 12:04
Hello I am new here,

I have this feeling, It's like a burning cold pain over my scalp even though my skin is fine!! I told the Dr who knows I have anxiety and he didn't really seem interested and I guess that was his way of saying ...... it's anxiety.


01-05-08, 12:15
and right it should scare you cause heck stuff like that scares me. I am now trying acupuncture, going for a course of 6 to see how it works!