View Full Version : Friends

21-04-08, 20:12
Hi all
I am feeling really worried right now. I dont leave the house so havn't seen any of my friends for years. Now i am on my own for the week and a mate asked to come round. Well imidiatly i was like no way. But i said yes and thought i would have to try and it would be ok once she was here.
She came over and at first was really scary but we started talking like old times. But the more we talked the worse i began to feel. By the end i was just desperate for her to leave but she just kept talking and it took about 1/2 hr from the time we said its time to leave and acctually going. She wants to come back again and bring some of my other friends.
I found it really hard listning to her go on about all the normal things like uni, clubbing, buying her home and so on. I felt like i couldnt have any of that and feel like i could never enjoy it again even if i could. I now just feel really depressed and anxious. Her voice was just driving me insane, i couldnt hear what she was saying and the volume of the sound kept changing. It felt like a knife in my head and i just kept getting more and more panic. I am never going to have a normal life. I am never going to have the ability to enjoy anything.

21-04-08, 21:29
Hi Blackie..... anxiety is rubbish...and i know sometimes i just really don't want to interact with people at all either.... have you told your friend about your anxiety?? cos if you have it would be easier to explain to her why you feel it would be too much to have people round....she obviously means well but it sounds like too much too soon, you shouldn't be disheartened tho cos you gave it a go and would probably have been ok and seen it as a positive experience if she hadn't outstayed her welcome... you can get back to enjoying most of the things you did before the anx but you just need to give yourself some more time......are you seeing a doctor or taking any meds?, do you have any kind of family support?... keep posting
take care

21-04-08, 22:08
hiya i have days where i dont want to see anyone i feel ugly fat and anxious. on those days i just keep busy in doors until im ready to face the world. other days i am fine but although i am vewry sociable and cheery with people i keep them at arms length mainly to stop me being hurt in some way or having to worry about something, i have been hurt alot but i want to be able to trust again so i am making huge effort to be more sociable even ifi dont feel like it