View Full Version : Health Anxiety?? Im not so sure....

22-04-08, 02:20
Hi Guys, Just my 2 cents worth - I’m very similar to all of you… I’ve been fighting for two years now, i have not had any meds etc or sessions with a shrink etc, ive tried to go it alone mainly altho my doc did say 'see how it pans out'.

It all started with some weird bruises I got on my stomach, I didnt know why I got them but for some reason I started to be concerned, then a cpl of months later i got a sensation of a lump in throat, went to an ENT twice and both said its globus... (it went away but now its back 24/7.. but worse in evenings it seems) then over the next year or so I got slowly more symptoms like headaches, eye floaters, memory issues like i would forget stuff and I cant concentrate as easy as I used too, feel dizzy and my eyes get tired easy, loud/sharp noises seem to make my ear drum shudder. Even typing and talking like trying to find the right word etc seems different.

And I think the worst is a feeling of being ’spaced out’ like almost all the time 24/7 i feel like outta it like ive drunk a cpl of beers etc, and even when I walk, eat or type on the keyboard etc it just does not feel ‘right’. So I’m worried I have MS, ALS, Parkinsons, Cancer etc… i have had cat scans and unltrasounds, blood/urine work all were ok although this was some time ago. I did see a neruo about a year ago who did some basic tests like balence etc and was ok - but still cant help but think there is something wrong, mainly because i get all these phyical symptoms… like for the last cpl of months I’ve had a ache in my stomach on and off and my legs/knees ache for no reason like ive been to the gym but havnt.

So it makes it hard for me to think ‘its all in my mind’.. its odd this disorder and ive know ive prolly done it to my self with my constant worry over the last two years.. :huh:

Sound familar anyone?

thanks heaps guys.

23-04-08, 01:28
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_12_170.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm860YYGB) hi steve yes all the above is very simalar to wat i felt and that awful feeling of unreality and spaced out wer my worse symtom ever real scary just like to say your not alone tc xx

Thanks for that ladygrom - it sure does help knowing your not the only one, I'm currently trying to 'ignore' the physical symptoms I have. It's not easy but worth a try, I think one of the bad things is I tend to drink a little more now at w/end possibly because it seems to makes it all fade away for a time... but dont really want to fall in to that trap, onwards and upwards :yesyes:

23-04-08, 08:14
yes I am trying that at the moment, if I have something concerning me I am trying to ignore it, like detatch it from me as if someone else were suuffering from that and I have the sensation as well...sounds wierd I know. But so far I am just feeling and trying not to worry.

One thing I have found with anx is a whole host of problems, they seem to come and go so I have taken it upon myself to conclude they are only symptoms of the Anx I am so tired of the worry for now.

Take care!

23-04-08, 10:40
Hi Steve

Iv been feeling exactly like that. Its one of my worst anxiety symptoms, feeling spaced out, like im not here, everything doesnt feel real etc.

I find it hard to get my head around the fact that it is the anxiety and not something else.

I get aches and pains all the time which the doctor says is because i am so tense.

I started yoga yesterday which the doctor told me mite help me relax, and i am starting cbt counselling soon to help with my anxiety.

Take care

love mandie x

celia davies
23-04-08, 13:57
IMm also suffering from all these weird symtoms at the moment im thinking i have stomach cancer cause i hear weird noises coming from it an alot of wind an pain,i know its prob nothin but in my head i cant stop thinkin bad things but u jst gotta deal with it,what if it is cancer i cant change it iv jst gotta get on wiv it! accepting it is health anxiety got rid of my anxiety,its come back now a little bit because im going through bad times but im jst accepting it xx

23-04-08, 21:01
bonus - im so excited -- i have just heard my new neighbour is an A and E doctor!!

24-04-08, 03:52
Hi Steve

Iv been feeling exactly like that. Its one of my worst anxiety symptoms, feeling spaced out, like im not here, everything doesnt feel real etc.

I find it hard to get my head around the fact that it is the anxiety and not something else.

I get aches and pains all the time which the doctor says is because i am so tense.

I started yoga yesterday which the doctor told me mite help me relax, and i am starting cbt counselling soon to help with my anxiety.

Take care

love mandie x

Thanks for your comments - half the battle i think is finding someone in the same boat, certainly makes me feel not so alone :D

This in itself seems to make me feel better.

Take care.

24-04-08, 09:35
Hi Steve,

Sorry to hear you have been feeling like that - I have that feeling too of being 'out of it' and just something is 'not right' it's a horrible feeling and makes you worry more which in turn makes you less able to concentrate etc etc. Not being able to concentrate properly on other things is really stressful - I find myself having conversations with others and then forgeting most of what we talked about - I can also feel my mind drifting off to think about my health when I am chatting to people - so frustrating when you really want to listen. Then when you can't remember stuff you panic about that as well!

The depersonalisation is really scary but once you know it's anxiety it does seem to help you relax about it a little.

I think my anxiety has been made worse by the fact that I am having a very quiet time at work so not a lot else to turn my attention to - my mind wonders....! Also if I am on my own all day etc. makes my mind wonder too...

Anyway - hope that's a bit reassuring, this forum has helped me so much - just reading posts helps me to feel calmer - you are right when you know other people are experiencing it too that helps so much.

Take care,
Sharon x:)

28-04-08, 04:45
Hi Steve,

Sorry to hear you have been feeling like that - I have that feeling too of being 'out of it' and just something is 'not right' it's a horrible feeling and makes you worry more which in turn makes you less able to concentrate etc etc. Not being able to concentrate properly on other things is really stressful - I find myself having conversations with others and then forgeting most of what we talked about - I can also feel my mind drifting off to think about my health when I am chatting to people - so frustrating when you really want to listen. Then when you can't remember stuff you panic about that as well!

The depersonalisation is really scary but once you know it's anxiety it does seem to help you relax about it a little.

I think my anxiety has been made worse by the fact that I am having a very quiet time at work so not a lot else to turn my attention to - my mind wonders....! Also if I am on my own all day etc. makes my mind wonder too...

Anyway - hope that's a bit reassuring, this forum has helped me so much - just reading posts helps me to feel calmer - you are right when you know other people are experiencing it too that helps so much.

Take care,
Sharon x:)

Yep agree with that, thanks sharon! :D

28-04-08, 06:44
hiya steve, all the symptoms you explain are all commen with stress/anx. the lump in the throat one is my biggest hates at the moment, ive had it since for ever (bloody thing) and i was thinking for a while i had throat cancer. the other one you mentioned the feeling spaced out like everything is weird and not real is a result of a very tierd and weary mind and boby, not nice and can be scary but it is harmless and wont hurt you in any way. try to gets decent sleep and relax ur self ( i know that is hard at times). look at ur caffine intake are you haveing a lot of it ? are you drinking alchol if so how much how often. are you eating correct and are you doing the breathing exercises? ur breathing and doing it correct will help you with a lot of the symptoms. i hope some of this has helped pm if you need to ask anything more ok and i will get back to you asap.
best wishes
take care
