View Full Version : Help full on panic attack

22-04-08, 07:11
Hi guys..i have just woken up with a full on panic attack... i can't stop shaking and heart racing... thought i was doing so well :mad: ... gotta go to work but can't even hold a cup of tea at the moment im shaking so much, what am i gonna do????

22-04-08, 09:31
Hi Bluebell68

Only just logged on and see this.

How are u feeling now. Did u go to work?

love mandie x

22-04-08, 11:30
I felt like this yesterday :weep: , honestly it is just a blip in your road to recovery..... i thought my world had ended yesterday, but today i do have anxiety but its nothing like before, i survived and so will you.....from your previous postings i know how well you have been doing and you will continue to do so....you might have had a blip today but you wont have slipped back to the beginning it will just be in comparison to how well you have been feeling.......be kind to yourself and accept that there will be dips and troughs in you 'getting better' thats what im having to tell myself, and i am finding it does help.
please keep in touch on here, i know exactly how you are feeling, and you have helped me before and i am here for you hun. :hugs: :hugs:

Keep an eye on your diet and avoid alcohol, i have definitely noticed an association with me having a few glasses of wine over a few evenings and my anxiety increasing dramatically (not that im assuming you drink of course!) i think it does effect my medication and stops it working properly.

I am also looking into the use of vitamins which i know have helped a lot of people on here. I will let you know what i find out.
Loads of Love and hugs Charlie x x x

22-04-08, 12:33
Hello Bluebell68
When I think of how supportive you are to others, it makes it doubly rotten that you are in the place that you are (or were this morning). I, like the others, are with you whilst this lasts. And it will change.

22-04-08, 15:53
Hi Rachel
Sorry to hear about panic and anxiety returning. I know its a stupid question but have you had any therapy at all? We all know about the dreaded side effects of citalopram in some people the only consolation is that they do go away. From what I understand youve got to keep on a steady dose for quite some time after all if they are working whats the problem of carrying on.

I do hope you feel better this evening as I know how terrible these feelings are.

Wish you well


22-04-08, 16:53
Hi Guys... thank you so much for your replies... it means a lot :) :) :) :) ...
i don't know what happened :huh: i just woke up and was right in the middle of an attack... it was just such a shock :scared15: , no warning just boom !... i made it work but have been really shakey all day.
Only one person noticed tho, which was good.... and she suffers from panic attack too and so was really supportive....Blimmin eck tho... its such a downer cos i was beguining to feel like i had cracked it... but on reflection i had put that down to the meds and i guess that this has made me realise that there is still some way to go and its gonna take more than meds alone to crack it :doh: .... im waiting for a referral for councelling to come thru so maybe that will help too....im just so annoyed with the anx and if im honest, with myself too... i know i shouldn't be but its so frustrating to take one step forward and then two steps back Grrr:mad: ...
Thanks again guys, you are all stars... not sure where i would be right now without your support....

22-04-08, 17:01
Hi Rachel :hugs: for you for the rotten start to your day. PA's aren't nice at any time but when they are there when you wake up they really suck.

A big well done for getting to work and managing to ride it out :hugs:


22-04-08, 17:06
Well done, you were so brave making it to work too!!! :bighug1: xxxx

22-04-08, 18:05
Hi Pickle & Popsy... thanks for the messages.... i wasn't gonna go in but im glad i did... chatting to my friend who has panic too really helped... we even managed a bit of a chuckle over my Tea making/drinking attempts this morning.. she told me about her last panic attack at her mother in laws on sunday... her mother in law doesn't know about her panic attacks and my mate said she started with an attack as she sat down to sunday lunch with the whole family.. she thought Oh no, not now!!! and struggled on with the meal but she was shaking so much that she managed to spill gravy all down herself, then she knocked over her wine and to finish , her grande finale was to tip a whole fork of peas into her mother in laws lap!:ohmy: ...she said the whole table went quiet and her mother in law turned to her and said..." oh dear .. someone has had a bit too much wine, i think dear"... OMG she said she was MORTIFIED :scared15: ... we did laugh, which i supose if you don't do sometimes you would cry :weep: .... at least my tea making attempts were only witnessed by my cats.. who thought it was their lucky day when i spilt most of a six pint carton onto the worktop just trying to get in the mug :blush: ... they were in milky heaven :)
Thanks again for your support
Hugs :bighug1: