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View Full Version : Question regarding joining site

22-04-08, 08:33
My boyfriend is trying his best to understand the way that I am at the moment but is really struggling. He knows that I come on here, and he has had a brief look at the site yesterday lunchtime while at work.

My question is, on behalf of him, would he be able to join the site although he personally does not suffer with anxiety, panic attacks etc, because he wants to be able to help me, and he feels that maybe talking to other sufferers and reading advice etc will help him to help me.


22-04-08, 08:51
i think thats a good idea voice!!

karen x

22-04-08, 09:14
I think that's a great idea too. :yesyes:

I've talked to my husband and asked if he could, would he like to come in chat and see where I spend all my time lol! Think would reassure him everything is quite 'normal' and give him an idea how the site works. Also I'd like him to meet the great people I speak to in chat everyday and he hears all about.

Maybe we could have a 'Partner's Day' and invite other halves to see what's going on and talk to other partners and sufferers?


22-04-08, 09:33
That's a lovely idea. I'm really pleased you have such a caring partner. I'm sure we will do all we can to help him understand a bit more!! :biggrin:

Love Lisa

22-04-08, 09:37
Thank you Lisa :) He truly is a very special man, and when I met him, he knew that I had overcome agrophobia 12 years before and told me he thought I was a strong woman for doing that. Now unfortunately the panic attacks have come back, along with the agrophobia, and he has tried so hard to understand but is struggling. I know he hates seeing me like this and just wants me to get better.

I think a partner's night on here, as mentioned above, might not be such a bad thing. Maybe it might help them all to undertand just that little bit more, and to also reassure them, that they are also not alone, in having to support an anxiety sufferer.


22-04-08, 09:47
Hi Kaz

Aww he sounds lovely.

I have agoraphobia too, and it can be very difficult for others to understand...Jings i find it hard to understand myself at times lol but it makes life around us a little easier if the ones close to us can at least have some insite into it.

I think sometimes we forget that it also effects loved ones too when we are like this so i'm all for them getting support here.

Take care hun

Love Lisa

22-04-08, 18:18
Hi Kaz,

I am all for any action whichs highlights our health issues and promotes better understanding.
Your partner is very welcome here.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Best wishes,

23-04-08, 13:47
I think a partners eve would be really good, maybe it could be suggeste to an administrator? My partner is brilliant but obviously because he hasnt suffered he cant really truely understand how i feel, to be honest when i have had 'well' periods i even forget how i really and truely felt too, so no wonder they cant! Good Luck with all Voice, we are all here to help. :hugs: Charlie x x x