View Full Version : period trouble [ladies please]

30-03-05, 11:21
hi everyone,
can anyone tell me if pmt & periods can make anxiety worse i have felt awfall these last few days, esp dizzyness, moodyness etc and i started this morning ive felt terrible since i woke up, my tummy is a bit upset, i feel dizzy and faint aswell it feels like ive got some sort of bug or something, when i woke up at 6.30 this morning i had that horrible anxiety feeling that upset my breathing again i feel realy bad can someone advise please, i dont know if its just anxiety or to do with my periods, i havent felt this bad starting my period for quite a while
regards sue:(

30-03-05, 11:31
hi Sue,

I have the same problem. My anxiety gets a lot worse at the time of the month. I think a lot of us get this, so you're not alone. My anxiety normally dies down again after a few days..

Sarah :D

30-03-05, 11:36
I'm exactly the same as well [:I]

Kate x

30-03-05, 11:38
thanks sarah,
normally i can cope[ just] at that time of the month, im frightened im going to pass out or worse, it dont help that im on my own with my 7 year old, what will he do if anything does happen.

30-03-05, 11:39
yes mine are the same, i get terrible PMT this is my first month of med and i'm really worried that it'll be bad i take evening primrose oil that helps a bit, and i was advised to take vitamin b6 as this is supposed to balance your hormones so im going to try that as well i'll be rattling soon LOL

good luck xx

kairen x

30-03-05, 11:40
you wont pass out honest its just the fear off it x

kairen x

30-03-05, 11:45
thanks for youre replys,
i feel so stupid at times, i always think the worst deep down i know nothing will prob happen its just the thought of it [:I]
luv suex

30-03-05, 12:01
Well I'm not a lady but I bet I know as much about periods as any. Well almost...

Of course your period will increase your anxiety level. Your hormone levels are changing and your moods are all over the place, mood has a direct influence on anxiety, and so there you have the connection.

I see your 41 Sue, have you had your hormone levels checked by a GP? I'm not saying it is, but you could be experiencing perimenopause.



"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today the way you are"


30-03-05, 12:12
Hi Sue, I always feel more anxious before my period and get terrible symptoms. Mine starts about 10 days before and then only starts to get better after day 3 of my period, I have been like this since my son was born in July 2000. I was on the contraceptive injection after he was born which stops your periods but had to come off it as it made me feel so ill and I am convinced it screwed up my body.
Hope you feel better soon
Take care
Love Lisaxx

30-03-05, 12:12
thanks blue,
i wish my chap was as understanding as you, as for going to the drs youve have to drag me there the way i feel latley
regards sue

30-03-05, 12:15
thanks lisarose,
ive always suffered with bad pmt, two weeks before i think its worse than the anxiety itself,i hate it
luv sue

30-03-05, 13:01
me too terrible PMT awful mood swings mine ae geting worse as i get older, sue my husband pats me on the head AAARRRGGHH.... try viamin b6 supposed to work havent tried it myself yet, but hear its good leveling your moods

kairen x

30-03-05, 13:04
can you imagine anything more annoying than being patted on the head and "ah never mind" one of these days i'll pat his with a shovel LOL

kairen x

30-03-05, 13:40

If you're going to take Vit B 6 - you may as well take a Vit B complex instead which will support your nervous sytem too.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

30-03-05, 13:49
thanks meg,

that must be the one, someone told me about it havent tried it yet, but i'll give anything a go once thanks xx

kairen x

30-03-05, 13:53
Hi Sue
Gawd i'm terrible the week before i'm due. People stay out of my way....dunno why lol. I also seem to suffer more with anxiety that week as well. Oh to be a woman huh lol.
Take care

30-03-05, 14:41
Hi Sue,
I'm exacly the same during my period, with me my stress levels soar and in turn my anxiety feels 10 times worse, Knock back a few painkillers and eat some chocolate that usually does the trick for me.:D

I'm just thinking that i wont be a good idea for the females of nmp to meet up during our periods ! (there would be a murder commited , you lot are temprimental to say the least!)

Oh the joys of being female![Sigh...]

Take care

30-03-05, 14:49
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Oh the joys of being female!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hey its not all bad Max, I can think of something that you have the best of, in terms of quantity anyway. :D


"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today the way you are"


30-03-05, 14:56
LOL Blue, Typical Male!:D

30-03-05, 15:03
Well I wouldn't call you typical Maxine, your unique, as we all are. :D


"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today the way you are"


30-03-05, 15:10
Awww Your being very sweet today Blue, what you after???[:P]

30-03-05, 15:18
HI max,

boy that made me laught the thought of us all sitting there PMT,









kairen x

30-03-05, 15:39
Hi Sue
My PMT has got worse over the last couple of years, my anxiety symptoms get worse about a week or so before. Afew months ago I started taking Agnus Castus, it took about 6 weeks to take effect but I can honestly say it has helped me a lot. My period is due today and I can say I feel as anxious as I usually do, no worse due to PMT.

30-03-05, 16:30
Hiya Kairen,
My point exactly it would be a total nightmare the females of nmp having a breakdown and we'd all be in the same room!:D:D


Maxine x

30-03-05, 16:51

A good thing to help with your symptoms is evening primrose oil they help pmt and will therefor help you feel less uptight around that time of the month...you can get these anywhere and they really do help,


30-03-05, 16:56
Ha Ha fact,

[B)]I think the air would deff, be blue..... I'm coming back as a man no doubt about that....LOL

Either that or we all sit crying all night going "I KNOW I KNOW"

good thing we can laugh about it xx

kairen x

30-03-05, 17:31
Hi I too have had problems at the time of the month and a couple of years ago I met someone who'd had similar problems to me throughout their pregnancies and had suffered anxiety/depression and had been to see a gynaecologist and found she had hormonal problems. I went to see the same consultant and found out I had polycystic ovarian syndrome and even though I had no real physical symptoms, it can cause mood swings which is linked to insulin levels, and was put on to HRT.

I am at present coming off my anti-depressants as I have never felt they have helped my mood and am trying to control my diet and intake of sugar. I believe I am borderline diabetic. I wouldn't say that it has resolved my problems because I am still having problems, my consultant says he wishes I had been aware of his services 12 years ago. I still feel I'm the cause of my problems and he is trying to prove me wrong.

If you feel you have read this before I had posted this on another topic but thought it would relate to you.


30-03-05, 18:48
Hi Sue,
I'm another one to add to the list and I'll come when all the nmp meet up for our pmt session!!! Anxiety levels must just go through the roof at around the time of our periods and I know I am even worse than usual at these times.

30-03-05, 18:53
Hi there,
I definately agree that hormones play an important part in panic/anxiety, have 'suffered 'with anxiety for loads of years, but am now peri-menopausal and things have increased dramatically, not trying to scare anyone, it's just i don't know if i'm having a hot flush, panic attack, do i want to get out of the shop because i'm dizzy with anxiety or 'cos of my mixed up hormones, my body doesn't know what's going on at present, let alone me, nor, bless him, my husband. But before i have a period, god only knows when they are due now, i get very dizzy, have upset tummy, moody etc.....oh, and as Meg recommends, Vitamin B complex has helped so much. good luck

20-06-05, 12:26
This is my first post here. I am 51 and out of the blue a few months ago, although overextended as always, the anxiety and panic returned full force after 10 years of being kept at bay. I have it all, too. I do realize that I have social phobias and always have since I avoid new situations like the plague, especially travelling.

I had my hormones checked.. all the dr. said was I was not in menopause. Well, no duh. But I do know that now I get terrible anxiety a number of days up to starting menstruation. I am sitting here shaking as its definitely worse when I get up in the a.m. Why IS that?

I swear I don't know how I will make it to old age. I also work full time and have an animal rescue in my home. Some days I am so afraid I will not be able to take care of them and that makes the anxiety worse. Well, pre-menstrually, the fears are so intense. Poor sweet animals don't know I am a nutcase.

Thanks for listening. Oh, I forgot to say I am diagnosed with OCD and panic disorder and depression. I am on Effexor XR and was increased to 300mg per day.


Judi L.

20-06-05, 12:56
Im the same when on my periiods and it can make your anxiety worse. Try not to worry about it.

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

20-06-05, 13:01
Hi Judi ,


You may not be in full blown menopause but may be in peri menopause.

Are you taking any supplements / complementary things to help like Wild Yam cream, Evening Primrose oil etc whichcan really help.

Our mentrual cycles do bring with them a change in hormones and a great many of us do get a real change in mood- some to anger , some to anxiety , some vulnerable etc whatever the readings say.

What animals do you rescue ?

Do watch your sugars especially at this time..

Hypoglycemia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=189)
Gi Diet (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3179)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

20-06-05, 13:08
I've been lurking here for awhile and also on another yahoo group - Surviving Panic. Also read the pages on help.

I am a vegetarian but I did get some Omega-3 last month. I was taking flax seed oil but I guess its not as good? Is Evening Primrose Oil different?

I was using that progesterone cream from the health food store but stopped it after my symptoms came back because I was unsure if it was helping or not. I was using it for a solid 1 1/2 years, though. I think its similar to wild yam.

I am also taking multivitamins, Vitamin B, acidophilus, and Rescue Remedy as needed. I am on the Effexor XR, blood pressure med, thyroid med, too. I gained 70 pounds since starting the Effexor 11 years ago! Honestly, I didn't care because I thought the Effexor had finally changed my life. Now I am struggling again.

I also purchased some Valerian and Bach Flower aspen. Haven't used either of them yet.

Sometimes I feel like I am the only one with these problems. No one at work seems to have anything like it and I work with a lot of people. I feel like a freak, you know?

Judi L.

20-06-05, 13:49
You are certainly not alone..

Flax seed is supposed to be good. I don't think you need all 3. lol

Have you had your thyroid bloods checked recently ?

You've checked your lifestyle for the usual gremlins - exercise , suagar, caffiene etc

20-06-05, 14:29
My thyroid was checked two weeks ago. I am already on medication and its normal while on it.

I just tried a meditation CD because its my day off, and it didn't help at all. I have to do things today for the animals, so I guess I will be off now. Family tells me to get rid of my animals, and drop the rescue. I have been doing it for 10 years! There were times I was so on the edge and doing ok, or so I thought. Now, all of a sudden, I am falling apart. After all these years. I don't get it. Is it really hormonal? I so hope so.


Judi L.

20-06-05, 14:38
Can you take B complex with atenolol and cipralex? I was taking it before starting these meds along with iron cod liver oil and garlic. Dont take any of these now as not knowing the safety obviously increases my anxiety so that Im too scared to.

Also anyone know if rescue remedy and paracetamol are safe for me????

Pms??? tell me about it, I agree everything is worse for me at this time, depression, anxiety, panic.

Primrose oil is meant to be good though, as well as the B6 JO x

20-06-05, 14:48
Cinders Yes you can take Vit B with atenolol and Cipralex,

Yes Rescue remedy and paracetamol are ok too


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

20-06-05, 18:45
Hi Judi,
Sorry you are feeling so bad right now. glad you have found this site though. I am 50 years old, have suffered anxiety for many, many years (had good and bad spells), but since starting them 'menopause' or peri-menopause my anxiety has definately increased in many ways. I think you are doing so well, holding down a full time job, and looking after animals wow! i know how you feel first thing, this is my worse time, i won't bore you with any details, but just wanted you to know you are not alone and if you feel like it send a message to me or just keep in touch this way, we can compare notes maybe??? take care and please keep in touch.

Sue K with 5
20-06-05, 23:05
Hi I am exatcly the same, although I am now four days late and I know I cannot be pregnant because that would be the immaculate conception

I get so stressed, my anxety is worse, I panic and when nothing happens I feel worse.

I hope things start to improve for you soon, maybe you should try start flower oil, I took it fours years ago and I did notice a change, but now I am on meds I am scared to mix the drugs

Ask your doctor, it does really work

Sue with 5 children


21-06-05, 00:00
I am on medication, too, but after reading about the Bach Flower Remedies, they do not interfere with medications. I did use the Rescue Remedy while on a trip last month. At some points it didn't work because I was over the edge, but it actually did work at other times. I also bought some aspen.. haven't tried it yet, though.

I am exhausted today from all the anxiety over what.. I don't know. I went to the vet and had 4 animals with me, and she jokingly said that I worry too much (I had brought a couple that were only there for exams and not sick). I kept saying that to myself after leaving.. and yes, she's right. That is what we do, though, isn't it??? WORRY TOOOOO MUCH!!


Judi L.

21-06-05, 11:29
Thanks Meg, I had terrible headache yesterday and didnt take anything cos I wasnt sure...

21-06-05, 21:14
Hi Sue,
I feel the same way at that time of the month. I do have the awful stomach feeling and that feeling in the stomach and the bloated feeling, makes me feel like I have a breathing problem. So I totally understand the breathlessness. I feel better knowing that this is a feeling felt by someone else.



22-06-05, 15:56
Hi Sue,
I'm the same as others.
The day before I'm due on is the worst....after I've come on it starts to get better.
Me I take (if I don't forget) Vit B complex and Evening Primrose oil. It does work and with 4 females in the house in certainly does come in handy.

with good wishes


22-06-05, 17:35
I am having a TERRIBLE time of it these last few days. I didn't go to work today. Had to take a sleeping pill last night as the night before I slept 2 hours and that just makes me insane.

I don't know what has been going on with me for the last 2 months or so, but mentally and emotionally, I am on a very bad rollercoaster ride. I have been going to the ob/gyn (my periods are abnormal and now I have to have a sonogram), the psychiatrist, and the psychologist. I haven't been this bad in almost 12 years, although I had one period 4 summers ago when I was very sick with pneumonia and had to have people help care for my animals back then. It did affect me mentally as well but I got over it.

This is bringing me down big time and I feel scared and worried all the time. I can't seem to control it. My body is in a terrible fluxuating state, too, with hot flashes lasting hours and then freezing and hot again. I keep taking time off from work although its best if I go in because it keeps me on schedule. And I like the work. Even last summer's events with home remodeling and moving and having my animals all over the place didn't do this to me. I just don't understand. And I have lots of good days and then boom! I am hit again.

I am so praying its all hormonal.. all the ob/gyn said was that I was NOT in menopause. Well, I know this because I am still cycling (duh). I hope its hormonal because then maybe we can do something about it. Right now, I had to raise my antidepressant meds (and it has not helped at ***all***), take sleeping pills as needed because some nights I don't sleep and that makes me really off balance. I cry a lot and I swear, I just don't understand this. I do have OCD and panic disorder and yes, social anxiety disorder, but its all been under control. WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?

I had to take a sleeping pill last night because I was so overexhausted. It did help me sleep, but like other medications, I don't feel like it was a rested sleep. And today, I can't stop sweating!!

I am going to call my psychiatrist today to tell him what is going on and hopefully he can give me something to keep me more even. I am scared stiff of those medications, though, as I have been on them before on a regular basis and they are miserable to get off of. Xanax, Ativan, etc.

Perhaps I am overwhelmed.. I don't know. I know its not work, although there is a lot to do.. it doesn't WORRY me. I am a worrywort by nature, but at times like this, it can get out of hand. I worry, worry, worry. About everything.

Does any of this make sense with perimenopause? My cycles are still on schedule, but I do have spotting and miserable cramps, and of course everything else. Anxiety, panic, sweating, sleeplessness, etc.


Judi L.

14-03-06, 12:45
Meg ..... I am taking fluoxetine, can I also take a Vitamin B Complex with this?

Cath x

29-05-06, 19:04
lol I agree with you there, not to meet up at that time! lol.

x x

29-05-06, 22:02
im glad you started this thread as my anxiety is always worse when my periods are due. I always think im going to faint although i never have its reassuring to know that others feel the same.

i dont take any supplements but on reading this i may try some


........life is for living not just for surviving

31-05-06, 12:44
My anxiety doesn't gte worse but lately I've missed a couple of periods. Could be my age though.

23-09-08, 06:00
i felt the same way when i was on mine this month and thought i was going nuts to , im wondering if mine has to do with my hormones i am 43 years old and the doctor only wants to put me on lexapro and i hate taking pills does anyone think i need it ?