View Full Version : Feeling of unrealness

22-04-08, 11:40
Does anyone feel the feeling of unrealness 24/7 and worst outside?


22-04-08, 12:08
Yeah look at myself and doesnt feel like its really me, hard to explain but its like a dream like world but like you say its worse outside look at anything and everything looks wierd :(

22-04-08, 12:40
Yeah worse feeling ive had and its been there for months now!

I get the sea leg thing alot worse when im outside and feel faint when im outside.

Ive found nothing that helps me yet and the doctor said it was no point giving me anything because it will make it worse:(

my number is 07828060461 let me know what the doc says hun xxx

22-04-08, 12:47
Hello Rickloader
Like your brain is detatched from your bod, or at least in an unlinked compartment? This feeling is familiar to me, especially outside sometimes (when I am out alone) but not constantly as you describe. That sounds unrelenting. I have found that it fades when I am able to touch others, directly or with words and your words have touched me.

22-04-08, 14:14
i am 21 :( fed up of feeling like this its really getting to me:(

22-04-08, 14:21
hi i also suffer from unreality its like living in a fog its awful symtom of anxiety mine slowly went after been on citalopram for 8 months .i no its awful it dos go in time its scary and worst symtom of anxiety i no exactly wer your coming from your not alone and it dos eventualy go tc xx

22-04-08, 17:00

Im suffering with this real bad as well. Have had it before but never as bad as this.

Hope it goes as quick as it came. doubt it though :(

mandie x