View Full Version : Laughing at todays anxiety

22-04-08, 12:46
I woke up,looked at the clock,it was 8.38am. Started to panic,ran to my sons room,"come on its late".Ran to my other sons room,"come on its 20 to 9.He looked on his phone and announced "mom its 5.38am".
Went back to my bedroom and the clock did say 8.38,don't know how this happened,:shrug: it was right when I went to bed.Anyway managed to get another 2 hours sleep once I calmed down.The lads must think I'm crazy:wacko:
julie x:hugs:

22-04-08, 13:24
kids think all adults are crazy so dont worry about it..

22-04-08, 15:18
Wow i just read your thread and it made me smile, first time today.

I hope the kids found it funny

22-04-08, 16:26

22-04-08, 16:30
How nice to be able to laugh at this situation and still get the extra sleep! Good Post.

22-04-08, 16:54
Oh no lol

I did something similar when my two were still at school. I woke in a panic, ran and woke them up and was on my way downstairs when my daughter shouted out 'MUM, GO BACK TO BED, IT'S SATURDAY!!'

They have never let me forget it :blush:

Hope you managed to get back to sleep