View Full Version : Testical Cancer

22-04-08, 14:54
I'm really worried I have testical cancer, i have a ache in my groin and under my armpits i have lymph nodes up in my neck also:(

So scared that it is... i find it hard to swallow as it hurts:(

22-04-08, 14:58
Hi Rickloader

Sounds more like a throat infection. I get swollen glands in my neck armpits and groin area with throat infections. I would take some pain killers and lots of fluids and then if it doesn't get better in a few days see the doc. Hope you're better soon.

22-04-08, 15:31
Calm down please you will be fine.. its prob just an infection there is a lot of infections and bugs going around at the moment...

The more you worry about it the more stressed you get..

See how it is in a few days and if still worrying you go doctors..

Bet you you will be ok but if you do need to talk pm me


22-04-08, 19:07
Hey Rickloader

I want you to know I am in a similar situation, I have discomfort in one of my testicles and I've been extremely worried over the past few weeks. But really, if you just have an ache it could be caused by a dozen things.

With testicular cancer the main symptom to look out for is a hard, pea sized lump on the testicle, that or the testicle is very hard or much larger/smaller than its 'neighbour'. In absence of these symptoms, the likelihood you have testicular cancer is virtually nil. Still, go and see your GP to put your mind at ease, I was a bit nervous at first but it's grand and takes literally 30 seconds for him to check.

22-04-08, 19:44
Thanks worry guy:) and everyone else for your posts!

25-04-08, 03:52
I once went through some nasty testicular ache, but it wasn't cancer. I had a prostate infection...a minor one, but just enough to cause some discomfort. Does caffiene aggravate things?

I'll agree with the last poster. In the absence of a lump, the chances of it being cancer are pretty low. Heck, even with a lump, it's not always cancer. I've got a cyst "down there" that I've had for a long time. Freaked me out when a doctor found it, but no big deal.


25-04-08, 07:40
Hi My Dad is 84. He's just been declared free from testicular cancer. He founf a lump just over 2 years ago. He was given implants - tiny little things injected into the front of his upper chest. He had them every 3 months the first year, then 6 monthly. He had meds as well, but no chemo or radiotherapy.
I am sure you are OK, but even if you have TC, you can be treated.
Best thing if you are worried is to have the doc check you out.