View Full Version : What's the difference between panic and anxiety?

30-03-05, 19:05
Am new to panic attacks so sorry for this question which probably has an obvious answer!
I was reading a post from someone who said they stopped getting panic attacks and now suffer with anxiety attacks and was wondering if someone could describe an anxiety attack to me.

30-03-05, 19:22
hi annette,

I would say the anxiety is what you get before a panic attack, or after its the fear just bubbling away, not sure how else to explain it, anxiety is always there and i think the panic comes when you've lost control of the situation not sure if that makes any sence LOL xx

kairen x

30-03-05, 19:26
Its generally described as a difference in intensity with a full blown panic attack being a 10 and off the scale.

Feeling anxious and having an anxiety attack may be a 6 and 8 or whatever you decide for your own scale

Feeling stressed may be a 4 and so on.

Any help ?

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

30-03-05, 19:41
I see it as with anxiety I just feel anxious and jittery and it is uncomfortable but I can cope - just about!!

Panic attacks - they are the agggghhh !! where you hyperventilate and can't breathe, feel faint etc etc.

So to me the difference is that an anxiety attack comes first but it never develops into a full blown panic attack.

I now suffer from anxiety attacks and not full blown panic attacks and whilst just as scary I don't get all the added symptoms of a panic attack.

Does that make any sense?


30-03-05, 19:49
Thanks all. That makes perfect sense! I do get panic attacks but hadn't found a name for the jitters I often get.
Thats really helpful. :)


30-03-05, 20:39
I think the reason there's a difference is because you can suffer from anxiety without suffering from panic attacks but not the other way around..

30-03-05, 20:51
Hi Annette, I suffered with Panic attacks at first when things would go completely out of control and I thought I would die, I had palpitations, couldn't breathe and hought my hed would explode. I don't get the panic attacks so much now more just general anxiety but it is still horrible symptoms and am so glad i found this site as i know i'm not on my own now and am so thankful to everyone on here for their advice and support.
I really hope you feel better soon
Take care
Love Lisaxxxx

30-03-05, 20:59
i would say panic was short term as it is an attack wich comes and goes whilst anxiety is long term and can last for ages, dont no if that makes sence

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

Finally NOT SINGLE!!!!!!

30-03-05, 21:02
I agree with you Lisarose that it is really helpful to discover this site and know that you are not alone. It has made me realise that the panic attacks are not harmful and I now feel much calmer (even if that is a contradiction...LOL) when I have an attack. The fantastic explanation of what is actually physically happening to cause the sensations of a panic attack has enabled me to cope much better. It is also good to know that whenever I have a question or need to talk the people here are so friendly and supportive.

Annette :)

30-03-05, 21:11

we are all here to help and support each other!!!!!

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

Finally NOT SINGLE!!!!!!

30-03-05, 22:15
I agree Jade. Have replied to a couple of posts here already with what I hope is helpful. I am new here and aware of the fact that I am still learning about panic attacks/anxiety as I havent been having them for long. Still I consider myself a supportive person and hope I can give as well as accept help. :)


30-03-05, 22:21
Hi Annette

Pleased you have had some great replies and i know how hard it is to distinguish between the two, but like people have said anxiety attacks make you feel jittery where as i feel panic attacks freeze my life for a temporary time.

Both are hard though and it takes time to disguish the difference.

Take care.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

25-10-08, 15:35
hi annette,

I would say the anxiety is what you get before a panic attack, or after its the fear just bubbling away, not sure how else to explain it, anxiety is always there and i think the panic comes when you've lost control of the situation not sure if that makes any sence LOL xx

kairen x

Hi Annette
I would agree with Kairen anxiety is the constant bad feelings and thoughts bubbling away and when you have a panic attack its like you have boiled over as you can't keep a lid on the anxiety.thats how I feel Sally

25-10-08, 19:26
hi annette,

I would say the anxiety is what you get before a panic attack, or after its the fear just bubbling away, not sure how else to explain it, anxiety is always there and i think the panic comes when you've lost control of the situation not sure if that makes any sence LOL xx

kairen x

Thats probably one of the best explinations i'v read. Its basically getting the some of the symptoms like feeling spaced out,pains in chest,hard to get breath ect ect. A panic attack is where it bascially overwhelms you so much and the intensity of fear is so much worse.

All the best


26-10-08, 01:07
Hi, what I think panic attack is common. Almost one third of adults will have experienced it in one form or another and most will have had an isolated experience like I did.

Let's clear up the difference between anxiety and panic attacks. An anxiety attack tends to last longer. It is more of a gradual build up and the feeling is not quite as intense. On the other hand, panic attacks will occur without warning and overwhelm a person quickly.

So in summary, an anxiety attack is being worried about something while a panic attack is also being concerned about something in your life but with it comes the whole package, namely the symptoms of panic attack.

26-10-08, 01:12
And I think isolated instances of panic attack shouldn't be a concern for developing panic disorder. However, if the attacks are frequent then yes, there is reason for concern...

Gemma T
05-03-09, 16:58
Hey everyone.
i started off with panick attacks waking me up from sleep. Now its anx. I aint had a full blown panick attack since last summer and that when the anx started. Panick attacks are horrible and i hate them but i kind of prefer them to the anx. Its the daily symptoms of anx that i cant cope with. one thing after another all the time. Once a panick attack is gone its gone (well for me anyway). Am i alone with these thoughts? x x x x x Take care

05-03-09, 17:46
The difference between panic and anxiety is one of tense. Anxiety is the fear of something that may happen (future tense) and panic is a fear of what is happening (present tense).

If you have a fear of being in a car crash that fear is anxiety. If you are in a car crash that fear is panic.

That is why panic is related to the fight or flight system. This kicks in with a present fear.


05-03-09, 18:02
Anxiety is what slowly creeps up on you when you are worried or stressed about something; panic is what happens when your anxiety gets out of control.

05-03-09, 21:01
Q for you Nic- how did you get over your panic attacks and when did you have them? I still hyperventilat, get all hot and dizzy when I feel trapped like museums,theatres,cafes, restaurants, anything where I feel I am sitting with lots of people,not near an exit, trapped and hot and breathless. What worked for you? Wenjoy x

28-06-09, 19:49
hiya i get panic attack and anxiety attacks, where as the panic attack is much more frightening they are short lived, anxiety attacks never go away for me its there before a panic attack and its there days after, i think i would rather have a panic attack now and then rather the anxiety, but i guess i cant chose i get both, great lol, i hope that helps you figure out the difference between the 2 x

29-06-09, 16:02
Hi ALL, so interesting to read your posts. I have panic attacks & anxiety. To me, panic attacks may sometimes be totally random & out of the blue, ormay be triggered by an underlying anxiety sometimes the trigger is a subconcious one so when I have a PA, I am thrown & freaked out. Anxiety for me is the gnawing sense of unease that I wake up with,a feeling of dread - will I have a PA today?My anxiety is all health related esp my heart even though I have been checked out & told that my heart is healthy. I am more anxious than normal when my life is out of kilter, for instance I will be moving again tomorrow ( the 5th move since arriving in the UK from South Africa in Aug last year)SO I AM ANXIOUS - experiencing the tightness in my chest,a feeling of derealisation at times,a heaviness & the need to cry at the slightest provocation. I fear the panic,I fear the anxiety,I feel trapped. FOR ME, ANXIETY & PANIC ARE CLOSELY LINKED,I ALMOST CANNOT TELL THEM APART.