View Full Version : Getting tested for cancer

22-04-08, 17:48
An emergency doctor last year warned me that "people who lock up their feelings like you get cancer", which was nice of her.

For the most part I'm too preoccupied with my social phobia to worry about my health, but the fact is I've been in a state of chronic stress for the best part of 2 years and common sense says it can't be doing my body any good. I know cancer is a common outcome of chronic stress.

Is it possible to get a general test for cancer without having particular symptoms? I've no particular reason to think I've got it, but obviously by the time the symptoms are there, it can be too late.

I would be interested to know of anyone's experiences.



22-04-08, 18:01
That doctor should be struck off!! That was the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard and fancy saying it to an anxiety sufferer. I dont think there is a particular test for cancer apart from a full body scan and there is no need for that because you have no sypmtoms and if anything physical was wrong you would get it checked out.

I am a total health anxiety sufferer !

22-04-08, 18:14

I know from experience my doctor was baffled with all my symptoms, so he did a full blood count. THe result came back normal and I remember him saying, "well, at least we know there is nothing physically wrong with you".

I hope this helps.

Take care - lizzie xx

22-04-08, 18:55
That doctor should be struck off!! That was the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard and fancy saying it to an anxiety sufferer. I dont think there is a particular test for cancer apart from a full body scan and there is no need for that because you have no sypmtoms and if anything physical was wrong you would get it checked out.

Thanks. If I hadn't been in such a state when I saw this doctor, I'd have been outraged! I was a gibbering wreck when I saw her and broke down in her office so you might have thought she'd show a bit of sensitivity!

She was clearly rather p***ed off at being called out on a Saturday. Also she was African and I suspect the "bedside manner" training they receive in Africa isn't what it is over here.

She also said she avoided prescribing drugs, and suggested I go and sit in a coffee shop for a while - when it had been all I could manage to drive to the surgery. As I found out when I visited my parents' surgery 2 days later, a few diazepam was exactly what I needed in the short term.

I am a total health anxiety sufferer !You have my sympathy. I'm not a health anxiety sufferer these days, but I was as a teenager. Social phobia is now my neurosis of choice.


22-04-08, 19:01

I know from experience my doctor was baffled with all my symptoms, so he did a full blood count. THe result came back normal and I remember him saying, "well, at least we know there is nothing physically wrong with you".

I hope this helps.

Take care - lizzie xx

Thanks. I'm not (currently) a sufferer from health anxiety, but I have constant stomach cramp and headaches and general stiffness, due to the all-day battle at work with my fear. I have this feeling that "something has to give", and that that something is liable to be my health. Therefore I'm proposing to move to a more secluded desk this week.



22-04-08, 19:08
Fancy a doc saying that to you,
A few weeks back i was waiting for my blood test results and i was just getting worse as the week went on and in the end i phoned the doc's and they asked me if i wanted the doc to call me to see if they thought i should go in as an emergency.
In the end she called and said my blood results were back and that she didn't see anything wrong, this was a friday so with her saying that I said i wanted to cime in and see someone. So on the tuesday after i spent the whole weekend worrying what could be causing my symptoms and making myself feel generally worse my other doc told me i had the low b12 which showed up in my blood tests. I was relieved they found something causing the symptoms but i was mad the lady doc couldn't have just told me over the phone what was wrong instead of saying i was fine.
She got me so mad.